Thursday, December 16, 2004

early dec

let's continue...

1st & 2nd Dec: last minute changes... same as last year's end of year camp. too little participants; why aren't there any passion for scouting in these kids nowadays? to think i made the effort to plan for the camp, budget and everything, considering i'm the only venture around. so yupz, with this piece of information, probably that was why i woke up late at 11am. i then packed my stuff and headed for my secondary school, the place full of wonderful memories! =) Presently, 16th dec, xun and i are recalling the good old lower sec days... oh how we wish we are younger now and lead carefree lives, right xun? loL!~
Xy.......*sigh*.... says:
man it was good, everyone just do what they like
Xy.......*sigh*.... says:
2 years of honeymoon
Xy.......*sigh*.... says:
ah should have done more crap
Anyway, i reached school and greeted my sir. i was like the second biggest person around, and yar, it sure looked like it as i sauntered into the school. they had already built a kitchen shed, but i tell you, it was god damn pathetic! they didn't use it in the end, and their venture had to think of another way for them to do their outdoor cooking. great! it was rather saddening to see him not knowing how to cook even with a gas stove present!! omg, they are so lucky.. remembering my times, no such thing i tell you, but let's not disgress yea? haha. it ended up in only Danny cooking; the outcome: curry rice. imagine throwing cauliflower into a pot of chicken curry, that's new. but hey, they were lucky it tasted good! people out there, you guys can try cooking the cauliflower directly with the curry and chicken in the same pot.
Right. After that was evaluation, then i stunned some stuff from the den and brought it over to rayner's house. apparently, he went to simlim without informing me, so yeap, i took his GT after dropping my bag at his house and cycled leisurely to east coast. it was then when marilyn msged me and she happened to be at eastcoast. well, i offered to meet her at the beach, and cycled the entire stretch in the meantime. i was all sweaty and stuff because they were only afew people there and thus could accelerate freely. we then met and walked towards bedok jetty, but i wanted to watch the sunset, so we stopped halfway and sat down on the grass, enjoying the breeze and scenery. a pity the clouds were blocking, so i couldn't take pics of the sunset. but it's alright, there are still plenty of chances to take them =). after that, we walked all the way to her house, which was near 168, and then i cycled to the coffeeshop to wait for the biking gang. we watched the finals of singapore idol there with the television hung up there. yeap, taufiq won. =) it was farnie to see various reactions when the winner was announced. the people in the houses above the coffeeshop were like shouting "YES! Taufiq WON!" and people who were passing by the coffeeshop also commented out loud that taufiq won. hmmz, such enthusiasm, no wonder it was a clear winner.
Well, after that, it was NIGHT CYCLING TIME!!! WoooooottTT!! there were five of us: alvin, rayner, ryan, alson and me. we cycled the entire east coast, before continuing on the roads towards mountbatten, then turning back to the 7-11 between katong shopping centre and siglap. we took lotza photos man; there were mirror reflections, pumping in the middle of the road, doing bike stunts in the middle of the road, hogging the place outside the 7-11 and many more. to view them, you can visit
It was one hell of a fun day and i made sure i enjoyed it. loL!~ =) we then head back for alvin's and alson's house to nap. but ryan and i stayed up for 2 hours longer just to talk about stuff, and he was telling me quite afew things. yup. well, you guess it, we koed after that.
the next day, i met sini to talk to her about some stuff, then i met up with the biking gang again for lunch. i then followed rayner to sell his fork (bike suspension), then back to his house. Read the long ebriefing and orientation timeline sent by mr yeow before joining them in playing basketball at the CC opposite bedok court. i didn't play, and when they finished, i did some stupid things like i normally do with the basketball, ie. try to head the ball into the net, do stupid stunts, play like some mad person, oopz... did i say something? anyway, i went home soon after and just died on my sweet precious bed.

3rd dec: woke up relatively early just to go to school. right. had lunch with kumar at whitesands before rushing back to school to interview the canteen vendors for a indian muslim food stall. well, thanks Kumar for standing in for sush and zhen, if not i'll be doing it alone with mrs crossley (lovely...right)! it was quite fun interviewing them, although mrs crossley sat in, she did help me when i was speechless. oopz. haha. well, the pressure set in when it ultimately lies on me to decide on who gets the post! it was a pretty tough decision, and with great power comes great responsibility, oh my god! if the students are not satisfied with the food, i'll feel damn guilty *prays hard*. anyway, after that, i went cycling, yeap again. it seems like cycling has become a way for me to free me from all worries, but effects are temporary. miserable. then it was back to home again.

4th dec: met up with qingde, junxian and meijin to buy chengyao's present. we settled on a basketball worth $60.90 . being mathematically precise, i suggested a way of splitting it amongst 6 people. haha. they just had to say yes. =) saw maggie and caiyun working there, so good... people are earning money while i'm idling my time away, i really need some reflection man! but one sad thing occured, meijin's lost her hp. and evidence was that it was stolen. how nice people are these days eh? well, after hanging out with them, i proceeded to the singapore expo in hope of doing some christmas shopping. dashed. the robinson's sale was in hall 4, big and seemingly impressive, met yvonne wearing santa's hat at the cashier. things were just too expensive, it's just too bad that i can't afford it. that's what you get for being poor? but i'm living with it, contented with many good friends, cheap thrills. that's how my life goes. not able to experience the high end class of living life. but it's alright, money ain't that important after all. life still rocks for me!~ heez =) btw, happy birthday chengyao!! happy birthday qiaoying!!

5th dec: managed to slack at home for the day except when my mum dragged me to eastpoint to help her carry stuff. i'm really questioning myself, why am i idling precious time away? i feel like as if i'm doing nothing. wait a minute, i'm really doing nothing. haiz~ wake up stuck!

6th dec: oh yes! finally! the ability to slack at home for one full day! it feels damn good doing nothing man... heez. although i should be doing something practical eg. hw . but hey, i did something. i did some thinking. loL!~ but it was another day gone, and it draws nearer to school reopening. should really get started on the homework. muuusssttt doooo, no, stuck, you should slack while you can. hmmz, the conflicts between one's mind. interesting, seeing the evil stuck battling the angelic one (like it even exists). argh, so crap... loL!~ that's all for now lah, if not become too lame liao... cannot like this...heez, so chaoz. Happy birthday JIE!


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