Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Haiz~ it's just me again. Always doing last minute work with the can't be bothered attitude. Everything seems so troublesome, why can't I slack in peace? Haha. It's got to be my fault anyway, I've been playing the whole day. Procrastinating until the last minute, but even as of now, I don't feel stressed by not being able to complete pw as you can obviously tell because I'm blogging now. Besides that, I'm still playing games. You may think, "at this hour? crazy man!" Haha, it's just me. As to why I'm so slack, it has got to be the inborn genius within myself. I'm pretty lucky eh? Anyway, for precision, the day before, I went out for dinner at Marina Bay with my class 04s102, obviously for steamboat. It was sort of a class outing cum celebration after our OP, which almost signifies the end of project work. 04s102, you guys rock!~ This is the best class I've ever been in during my entire life. A small 'crowd' of 15 unique people, which makes it much easier for class bonding. 11 turned up, however, I felt quite sad that khenglong and sutris, my best friends in the class, couldn't make it. BUT, I had fun anyway. Heez =) Let's recall the entire process... ... Boarded the MRT and met Eugene, where we talked all the way on our journey to Marina Bay. When we arrived at 6.40pm, practically everyone except Celestina was there, so we had to wait. After which we all walked to the bus stop, and we didn't chase after the bus which was already there. So we had to wait half an hour for the next bus, which was dumb because we missed the earlier bus. But in a sense, it was good waiting as we started the atmosphere by chatting. Each of us paid $12 for our share, and I ate quite little, considering my humongous appetite. We chatted, took pictures and had fun, which was cool. It was rather late, so Celestina, Kai lin and Eunice had to go off after dinner. The rest stayed behind and played arcade, and surprisingly, me being the usual slacker who doesn't really like to patronize arcades, found that it was damn cool. Not because the arcade was good, but it was because they were playing their hearts out. Naturally, I didn't play and it was a joy seeing them enjoy themselves, and I was the photographer, as usual. That's my hobby, I simply love taking pictures when people are having fun! =) First off, they started racing at Detona with 7 players. We then splited and I watched Stacey, Xiangrong and Yixiong play bishi-bashi and joined Harris to play one other fun game, which we all laughed and had fun playing. Then comes the highlight of our day, the game "popn' music". There were 9 buttons, and we are supposed to press it when the note falls at this common line. We had 7 people playing, obviously we attempted the most difficult and guess what, we conquered it and got first as a result! How lame can it get? We played twice, and we got 1st and 2nd, where we put our name as s102. We then attempted "para-para", which was the dumbest thing alive. We had 5 people stationed at each sensor, and were acting like fortune cats, with our hands gyrating up and down. We looked like retarded asses, but we certainly had fun. I was laughing until I couldn't walk, because at that point of time, it was damn funny and I even took a video of it. Too bad my camera doesn't have sound. =( Well, not surprisingly, we set high scores too. After that, it was quite late and we headed home. As we did so, we crapped and talked about thrashing the high scores in all the arcades in the East. We also crapped about doing project work requesting funds from our civics tutor, Ms Chia. But it was damn funny, and we laughed our hearts out on the train. Plus, we had the entire carriage to ourselves, and the environment then was totally perfect. This is truly a wonderful class outing, and I definitely look forward to more of it. Well, for now, back to project work. Anyway, it's just 13 1/2 hours more to actual end of project work. I'm still slacking, but who cares? Oh, 1 more thing. It's Kaisheng's birthday!! Happy birthday bro! All the best in training to be a leader and bringing your unit up. Ciaoz!~


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