Monday, November 08, 2004


Food for thought: Do people consider sesquipedalians as supererogatory due to nescience? (Ryan Joseph Jalleh. Msn nick 8th Nov 2004) omfg! stupid pw annotations. Haha! GG NO RE PW!!! loL!~ I've never disliked such a 'subject' before in my entire life. A whirlpool of happiness swirled through my mind. Finally, I CAN SLACK AGAIN!!! What is living life without slacking? Perhaps I should come up with my own set of slacking rules, laws and theories. Not a bad idea eh? This reminds me of liangsheng, a great friend that I've met during my first three months in MJ. He wrote an article about being sianz, stating definitions and theories and such. To sum up my comments in one word: lame. Haha! Is it me or do I really have alot of friends who are super ultra lame? Does lameness makes the world go round? But it was nice meeting them, and I realised there were different aspects of lameness. This is getting lame, so let's not touch on that. Heez =) Well, after commenting GG NO RE, it leads me to remember the good old days of Secondary school where 3 other friends and me competed for being tEh gOsU in gaming in the game warcraft 3. Learnt many slangs from them, improving my micro and macro along the way. Time was certainly golden with them around, as not only did I bring away gOsU skills, I knew that I had 3 great friends whom I can rely on anytime. At that point of time, our enthusiasm was boiling and thus, tried to set up a clan named AF, or rather Animal Farm/Atavistic Fury. We were tEh 4 gOsU gamers in TMS; AF.Chinchilla (Ryan, the leader), AF.Squirrel (Daniel Ho, the assistant leader), AF.Swaku (Jin the swaku) and AF.Beaver, which is me. I have sort of an affirnity with beavers, haha, that's another long story, which arose through me being in softball. Anyway, we 4 ruled and climbed the ladder, besides that, we also spend quality time going out with each other; talking crap, serious and stuff. We also spent the new year 2004 together, overnight at Jin's house that is. Such memorable experiences will not be forgotten and it will remain close to my heart forever. Well, about the beaver thing, I've started softball in Secondary 3, as I found the game to be interesting and I've had alot of good friends there too. I trained hard and soon enough, in Secondary 4, I managed to squeeze in through to the first team. I started to participate in SRC and from there, it is easy to access to the area of City Hall. One time, Daniel Teo, Eugene, Darren and me went to have a walk in suntec after a softball match. We happened to pass by this pub called "Beavers' Paradise". Both Eugene and I didn't know the split meaning of Beaver, so DJ and dar were laughing throughout as it had a pun. Later, I got to know of the other meaning and mysteriously, not to say I'm perverted or what, but I started to like the animal. DJ started calling me that and I thought it sounded cool. Haha! It suited me perfectly, as we know Beavers build dams, and for myself, I usually don't give a damn. Well then, when I first joined AF, the immediate nick I thought of was Beaver. I started playing the race Undead, which was the damned, and I thought to myself, "hey! that's a triple pun, cool man" Haha. That was how it started... ... Suddenly, I just felt like playing softball. It has been long since I've touched my beloved girlfriend: my own personal Abu infielder glove. My teammates were totally awesome people, as most of them were my friends. Usually after school, we would start off ourselves by throwing and catching, and competing for speed was our common goal. Those were the good old days, where fun and laughter were ever present. Though managing only a bronze in the East zone and being knocked out in the Nationals, I'm glad that I've made friends for life too. I'm just grateful for being able to play softball and lan games; in the midst of it, true friendship blossoms, which are more important to me than anything else in life.


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