Wednesday, December 15, 2004

end of november

hey, it's been a long time. Too busy, too tired, too many things to say...

26th Nov: As usual, i had my squash training in the morning. Nothing special, nothing much happening, till my bro sms me to go his scouts bbq! OMG, what an opportunity man! can get to meet more people, how fun =) He was the organiser, he was the MAN! suyong, thanks bro for the invitation! Well, the bbq was quite normal, and i felt abit weird because i had to entertain his gf... loL!~ The dumb thing was that when i went there, he was just about to leave to fetch his gf. Reason: she doesn't know how to go to Greenview Sec. LAME! I could have fetched her as my bro told me she went from CGH to home to wait for him. I live just beside CGH and could have just brought her there right? Then both of us pengz together on the bus. But it was fun lah, he's a damn nice bro and superb to laugh with. Back at Greenview, suyong went to bring us food and also make sure the event was going well. I was talking to her and sometimes he would come and talk for awhile before his sir calls for him or something else happens. That's what you get for being 1st i/c i guess. It got late and she had to go home already, but he being a superb boyfriend wanted to send her home. Apparently, his sir didn't let him go, so i offered to send her home, which i eventually did. I then dropped by at Ralph's house at 11pm. Rather late yea? Wanted to stay longer but parents are calling, so the heart is willing yet thy heart is weak! Slacked at his house and really enjoyed my time there. He lent me comics and we talked all the way to midnight. It was then i had to go home unwillingly. How fortunate i am to have such fantastic pals! =) Happy birthday JIA!

27th Nov: Finally, it's a day where i could slack. Unfortunately, not for long =(... My parents dragged me to TM to go shopping with them! How nice, thinking i could sleep in. So i guess the rest was rather pointless, so i called rayner and we went cycling. I took Alson's red fiery cannondale and felt NORSY(N2O)!! Accelerating to a speed of 35km/h, an innocent cute looking kid suddenly turned out from the pedestrian's footpath and pedaled his tricycle directly towards me. Getting the shock of my life, I swerved away but the kid turned into the direction i turned as if he was blocking my way. I then made a sharper turn, and appeared to be heading towards a bush, thus steering back to path. But with the numerous sharp turns made, both the bike and me lost control and i skidded like some pro glider, suffering some minor injuries on my entire right leg. Jialat! Luckily, the bike was perfectly okay man! But i think i have a trauma already, the 2nd time i fell on a cannondale with a kid blocking my way. And i thought i could slack... heez. Happy birthday Fei!!

28th Nov: It was a fine day. Sundays were supposed to be for resting, but anyway, i went out with Cheryl to shop at Parkway and we had a hard time coming up with what to buy for qingde's present before finally deciding on a Levi's jeans. 7 people, $70, mathematically perfect for me. =) After that, we decided to go to the beach. At night, how cool the breeze was man! we just sat there in silence, watching the backwash of the waves, enjoying the night life at the beach. Until my phone rang, and Rayner asked me out to tea. We then left the beach and took bus 12. i met rayner at 168, our usual hangout, and we drank tea and talked cork. He told me a story; he always has endless of stories to tell, which consistently streams in daily. it was late and i had to go back. sad, but inevitable. till next time folks!

29th nov: had squash in the morning even though i had an injured leg. continue training... hell yea... went back home to bathe, rest for awhile, before taking a long 14 bus ride to orchard. Met up with junxian and qingde and presented him with our present!! *flourish* Happy Birthday Qingde!! We met up with jorcelyn before spending the entire night walking through the streets of orchard, a considerably remarkable feat for me as i detest such crowded places. at 9pm, we had our dinner and i was famished. And i ate a large plate of hokkien mee, shared a extra large plate of char tao kuay with qingde and finished it off with ice kachang. A pity i didn't bring enough money, if not all the stalls would have closed early for the night. we went to meet up with meijin and cheryl as they have finished their cip, and we went home together. Quite fun i would say =)

30th nov: squash again, but i have been like leaving half of the trainings i've attended halfway due to council stuff. how saddening! can't train myself to be in the school team. haiz~ anyway, i spoke to mrs crossley with guan zhen and sush regarding the canteen vendor stuff. shortly after, i went to hongwei's house to slack, after which i went to rayner's house to slack. slack slack slack slack slack. what's new? hmmz... i wonder


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