Friday, November 12, 2004


This is rather crap. Let's start off from wednesday. Firstly, let me emphasize, GG NO RE PW! It's confirm over after the GPF was handed in. After which I proceeded to the council room, where I was with Wan Ling editing the orientation campfire 2005 proposal. It was rather detailed, and after that, we proceeded to LT1 where there was supposed to be a meeting and briefing to the OGLs. It was over when we stepped in, and at that time, I was supposedly camp commandant, and I didn't really know about it. Then, all the councillors had to stay back and be prepared to get whacked by the TAs, as I heard from Kumar that the meeting was not well conducted. Behind the close doors, we were praised first for our so little good things on the list: how wonderful. Then it started, I expected more but they weren't in the mood to screw us totally, I presume. Next, after the one hour session, I had to rush over to Squash. Then, we trained until we were quite tired. After that, we were scolded by our teacher in charge. Well, I saw it coming as our team's attendence recently was pathetic. 2 in a row; not bad, but I wasn't really affected. Even in the council, I was asked to comment on the confusion as I didn't know that I was put as camp commandant for the OGL camp. Well, I was alright with the decision, but based on the solemn atmosphere, I thought that the teachers expected some answer where I sounded annoyed, so I crapped my way through. I don't think scoldings will change my mindset. Try harder please. Okay, after squash, I headed back to the council room to vet PTSB proposals to help Qingde out. Despite my weariness, I stayed till 8+ pm and then went for dinner with Qingde and Jiayan. Funny now that the school seems so quiet at night after pw is over, all J1s must be celebrating man. Finally, I reached home at 10pm and was obviously shagged. But me, being me, slacked all the way till 12 midnight before lights out. I awoke at 12 noon, haha, could tell how tired I was eh? Well, I waited for my family to pick my brother and me up to their friend's house for lunch; to celebrate deepavali. It was rather fun catching up with old friends and we were playing bridge and chatting for about 4 hours. An extremely fun game man. =) Well, after that, I asked my father to send me to Katong for me to meet my friends. It has been a long time since I last saw Dar, and the feeling was great. I greeted him with a warm handshake and handed him a plastic bag, wishing "happy birthday". He replied "happy birthday" and I laughed like mad. He was too engrossed in his LAN game that he didn't knew of his slip of tongue. It was a Maksim CD that I bought at Simei's Sembawang CD shop. Shared by 6, no 7, people: Zhiyang, Xunyong, Andy, Glenn, me, Ralph Lin Kaijun and Ralph Lin Kaijun. Haha. He continued his game while we chatted all the way. It was rather fun, but he had to go off for dinner with his parents and I sent him off at the busstop. I then waited for Zhiyang, Andy and Ralph to stop playing. After that, we went to buy food at Siglap and brought it to Andy's house to makan. Then Zhiyang and I went to Ralph's house to slack. He lent us comics and also gave me a present he got from his long Europe trip. Thanks BRUDDAS! I went home after that and fell flat on the bed shortly after. Today was quite slack, Fmaths lectures are getting better and better. They fulfil my criteria of being slack. After school, there was council stuff to be done. Straight after that, I ran to the squash court where I was pushed physically to my limit in training. Currently, I'm here in the council room slacking alone. Oh no! I have to go to the FRC bbq which is...erm... right about NOW! haha, but do you think I really care? haha, slacking is too addictive to give up on. Although I'm 'wiped out' now, but since I've promised them I'll be there, so I have to keep my word. Just like Naruto. Oopz, I think I'm digressing again. Haha. Well, I'd better go as I'm running REAL late. Crap some other time. Seeya!~


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