Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Beginning

I simply don't know where to begin. thanks kumar for such uncouth addiction: blogging. by the way, nice play of words in your blog. =) Biking. My new found life. Links up to many of my favourite things to do. Considering that I'm the most pro slacker in the whoLe wide worLd, I've been wanting my bike to bike. Not that my mom allows it, but she helps me save money. Been borrowing bicycles from different friends for the past six months, I feel rather bad troubling them. Riding from brandless shit bikes to high end cannondales, it's been a hell of an experience. The best part: knowing that a friend is near you even when you fall. Just came back from the chalet of our so called 'biking gang', where the most retarded stuff are done when we're not on wheels. Although my participation is negligible, it's quite a joy seeing them act retarded, tell lame jokes and laugh. Smiles. It just lightens my spirit; makes me feel comfortable around them though our age differs. Haha, sometimes I think I'm weird, laughing at practically anything. I just like to laugh and be happy, maybe that's the way I want my life to be. That's the way of my ninja. Oopz! Haha. Too much anime. Naruto has polluted my mind, not saying that it has been virtuous and clean. Heez. I find it cool, although others might think it to be just cartoon. Personally, I dislike cartoons. But when it comes to anime, oh my god! I just sat in front of the computer and finished 40 episodes in one day to the extent that my father gave me a dressing down. Now, thanks to Joshua Campbell, I'm 'lusting' for fullmetal alchemist. Well, guess I'll have to wait till Wednesday when we next meet in school. Come to think of it, the previous time I had watched these 'cartoon' stuff was when I watched the movie Spirited Away. It made my eyes watery, but it was restrained and swallowed back in. That's just me, hiding my emotions and trying to be happy all the time. But the 'C' personality in me gives me the wild mood swings, which kinda suck. I totally detest it, however it's not within my control. *sigh* At this rate I'm going, I won't be able to finish. Haha, so basically that's about it for the major highlights in my life currently. Got OP tomorrow but i don't seem to give a damn. Why is it so just before every exams? I just have to go out and enjoy myself and relieve myself from all the pressure, an excuse? Perhaps so, maybe I'm just too lazy and dislike last minute cramming. Besides, I've prepared myself way before each exam, and I'll do my best. If I can perform, that'll be good but if I can't, then too bad. It leads me to recall that once in Secondary 4, there was a Geography common test(only my class is taking as we are the only pure Geog class). I didn't study and when the paper came, I didn't even move my pen for an inch. That's just me again, the same old heck care attitude of if I can do it, then YES I'll do it with whatever I got, if not, NO thanks. Haha, Shikamaru in Naruto is one cool example. That's maybe why i like him, he can't be bothered with anything. Oh no, I'm digressing again. Haha, too many flaws. That's bad. Well, I think I should stop here right now. My brother needs to use the internet. University graduates, always so busy and reliant on their laptops and internet. Hope that I can get in to NUS, that's it for now. I'm turning in, and I'm still not prepared for OP tomorrow. Who cares? Haha, yupz, you're right. That's me, the slacker of all slackers, Stuck.


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