Sunday, November 14, 2004

stream of activities

Let's continue then. The bbq was somewhat fun, and I kinda enjoyed it, although i wasn't full at all. The ex-2/2 people were there too, and I went over to chat with them. It's been long since I've met them, quite fun to talk to them once again. Well, I decided to stay overnight at Qingde's house as I have guests at my house: my mother's brother and his wife and their daughter. Now, there are altogether 9 people: QD (himself), junxian, chengyao, jingjing, yinghui, meijin, cheryl, jorcelyn and me. Although being totally shagged, I editted Junxian's PTSB bedok proposal. I then used up my remaining energy to entertain all of them by using poker cards to 'foresee' their future; some limeshat, but interesting in a way that everyone was drawn to it and managed to see smiles on their weary faces. I played Naruto and then watched episode 49, the one which I missed, but I was knocked out halfway through. Felt bad when I awoke as the rest had stayed up longer. We went to TM, and on the bus, I was crapping non-stop with Jingjing, haha! It must be due to insufficient sleep, i hope? We then had breakfast at Macdonalds, after which I rushed home, and back out again to Tampines MRT control station. I waited and saw Johanna, and we then waited for Justin. I wasn't spared; walked to various parts of Tampines under the blazing sun, what a great way to add on to my lack of sleep. Being the usual slacker, I scraped some of the venues as Johanna had to go off. I commented abit here and there as this recee was sort of last minute, and I'm truly sorry about it. Well, it was done within one and a half hours. Great! Then Justin and I went back to TM to visit Qingde and Chengyao, who were at the entrepreneurship thingy organised by Temasek Secondary. Slacked around, had lunch, watched the band's performance, then went to pool with Justin, Qingde, Andrew, Chengyao and Weiliang (wished him happy birthday!) =D. I then went home, bathed, and lost consciousness after that. haha. I awoke at night and had my dinner semi-consciously. Then, I sat down in the living room as my aunt's (my mother's side) had arrived and were chatting with our guest (their brother). We talked abit, and I got tired again. Come to think of it now, it's damn dumb because I fell asleep soon after. haha, I'm turning into a pig, eh, not that I'm not already one. oopz! I think I almost died back there, as I woke up at 12 noon the next day. There seems to be so many activities going on, as my parents dragged me to follow them to the John Little's sale at the Singapore Expo. Shopped at there for 2 hours, and then, went back home again. Later, I went out to meet Rayner for tea, a usual routine of mine. And as usual, he had plentiful to say. What can I say, I'm blissed to have him as a friend for life as he usually bombards me with his extraordinary tales of life. He never fails to brighten up my day, heez! The biking gang joined in and they never fail to talk rubbish and exaggerate stuff, which makes things seem funny. =) I hanged out till 10+ before coming home. Next up, class outing at Sentosa tomorrow. To go or not to go?


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