Friday, December 17, 2004

levelling up stunning skills

15th dec: finally got down to slacking again... and i was at home alone all the way till dinner time, and i made an effort to do some hw but it didn't really help. after attempting afew questions at the fmaths 1997 paper, i gave up and went back to slacking. had dinner with biking gang at 168 again, and they told me of the carwashing experience as that night only 2 of them were present. we then intended to cycle to east coast for the night, but on the way there, rayner's back tyre punctured due to overpumping of air. therefore only alvin, alson, ryan and me went to cycle. but we decided to go to siglap mac, then pop over to charles house to collect ryan's cassette, then cycling to bedok jetty. on the way there, was talking on the phone with kumar about council work... boring! and i met andy outside siglap mac. well, reaching bedok jetty, ryan and alson had a quarrel but i was talking to kumar about work, thus finding them noisy and hence went to a quieter spot to talk to him. when i came back, i realised ryan's back tyre was out of air and he and alson were still bickering. kids! loL!~ anyway, it was getting real late and my mom would murder me, thus i raced back to rayner's house at top speed while they talked to this uncle who lent them an air pump to pump ryan's tyre. when i got home, my mum said that i'd better start showing her my holiday homework, if not i cannot go out for the whole of christmas week. sigh~ guess i'll have to bring it to malacca and complete. splendid

16th dec: thought i could take my time going to school. it turned out the mrt had a track fault at pasir ris! i was waiting like a dumb person as the train was stuck at simei. when it did move to tampines, it asked us to alight and said:" please use another form transport." was like 1 hour late when i finally reached school. but upon arrival, kumar and i had to start loaning to the band members who were waiting for us for the blazers. was then supposed to do stock checking of first aid stuff, but gave up halfway due to the temptation of kumar's electric guitar. the complete first aid kits which are done already are really pathetic, but even when i told kumar, he was like huh? nevermind about that, i couldn't be bothered...oopz! =X well, i accompanied wanling to meet with mr yeow regarding campfire, then kumar accompanied me to bedok where we had late lunch, then meeting kur and her sis to buy the first aid stuff. we made kur a happy girl by letting her cleaning the shelf with our massive purchase. we can be considered as stunning all the stuff at Guardian, as the cashier's face was total taken aback from what we have bought, ie. totally STUNNED, and kumar could testify to that. damn farnie! well, i brought the loot back home and had some secret stuff planned by kumar and me, so if interested, do approach us for further details. =)

17th dec: finally able to catch up with what i have missed over the past few weeks. TODAY (yes, can use this word again), i woke up and still was comtemplating where i should go for squash or council. tough decision; i even called up mr yeow to say that i wouldn't be able to make it, and he was understanding enough to let me go for squash. SUCH A NICE GUY! but hey, i felt guilty, and after taking into consideration all factors, i chose to alight at pasir ris mrt instead of tampines. i even had my squash shirt on, and had a small internal struggle till the final moment. sorry faeez, i didn't turn up. i've given my word to mr yeow earlier, so i guess i had to stick with it. we pinned up the names of next year's j1 kids, and folded, put into envelope, stick the names, stamp and finally bring it to the post office. great job to all who were present!!
hey, kumar and i are on a STUNNING SPREE. first, we stunned the excess food from the people outside LT1 and it became our lunch. secondly, it was operation P. after stamping all 880 letters, i conveniently carried one big white box, and stunned a 24-can carton worth of pokka green tea drinks. it was in a big brown box, and kur added the small BROWN box of letters above it to make it camouflaged. also, perfectly coordinated with kumar's diversion, we sneaked past the entire GO with mr yeow right beside us. he turned to look at me, but didn't notice the large brown box of green tea. so there we were, grinning for ear to ear, and enjoying the stunned stuff after our day's hard work. we then watched a hindi movie, but after disc 1, kumar and i had to post the letters at whitesands. after that, we still had first aid to do, and had to make a decision quick. oh what the heck! i went back to school and packed the first aid kits. both of us even dashed to elias mall to get extra ziplog bags to finish our work, and now we needn't worry since i'll be gone from singapore tomorrow. i'm contented that i've completed my part of the job and rest peacefully.
well, because of that rushing, i was late in meeting dar, zzy and xun. felt so bad as i was very late i tell you, but they waited for me patiently at mph. thanks guys! you rock! and zhiyang gave me a sounvenir from yunnan, a totally cool one. thanks bro! we had lots to talk about, and then i took bus 31 home. a rather long journey but with plenty of time to think about stuff. pondered about myself, and realise i still have much to learn and improve. i still think i am not doing much, slacking as usual, and sometimes get carried away in emotions. felt useless, squandering away my life, and definitely need to work on certain aspects of my personality. somehow suppressing the D in me, and i'm raising my C by forcing me to think more often. Need more thinking and self reflection, if not i am such a worthless idiot who was lucky enough to enjoy something precious called life. by law of conservation (inspired by the fantastic anime full metal alchemist), by gaining life, i MUST do good and bring fortune to others, as my name suggests (in chinese). so the lazy chap blogging now should do something about it, if not life should be taken away from him. don't you think so?


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