Sunday, December 19, 2004

in malacca

well... yesterday, before i left for malacca, i called halim to update him on what has been going on for orientation. yupz. feel quite bad because he just came back from NZ and i had to trouble him with work again. so sorry halim, but all the best!! at the bus station at lavendar, the bus was 20mins late!! damn dumb.. but i'm already used to waiting... god knows why right? then, had a 5 hour journey to malacca and luckily, my uncle picked me up from the station there. the place sure has changed since i last went there, like erm, 1 year ago? yup. but the house didn't change at all! and the surroundings too... immediately after putting my bag down, my aunt and i left the house to the famous Jonker Street for shopping! yay! time for buying of christmas presents. heez. not much changes, but i had a fabulous time there. spent like 100RM, wow! jialat... my mum's gonna lecture me like siao! but nevermind, i feel pampered buying so many stuff for my friends =) also, the food here is still cheap as ever, can't be compared to singapore prices; so exhorbitant. anyway, i didn't get much sleep last night as i was giving the mosquitoes a free buffet of blood.
today's my baby cousin's 1 month old! she's sure taking centrestage, and my aunt is free from her confinement too. i went over to my grand aunt's house for a splendid lunch, and took an afternoon nap there. i paid respects to my greatgrandma, grandfather and granduncle and hope they bless my baby cousin siew fang. after coming back to the house, i was bored and had nothing to do, and guess what? oh so predictably, my mom asked me to do my homework. wow! what a getaway from singapore eh? loL!~ anyway, i went out and had SATAY CHOLOK for dinner. so cooL! i always eat it whenever i'm here, it's like so nice and i don't know which part of singapore do they sell this satay cholok. it's like different varieties of food which are ready in satay sticks and we deep it in a satay sauce in the middle, some sort of like a steam boat but not with soup, only satay sauce. damn delicious! yummy, and here i am now blogging. can't stay for long as they use dial-up. so chaoz. oh no, the baby's crying. Let's go and check on her. and oh yar, she is sooooooo CUTE!!! heez.. oopz =X


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