Thursday, November 25, 2004

Lesson learnt

The second day of camp was plainly breakfast, wetNwild, debrief then home. Some of the councillors stayed back to clean up most of the stuff, then had lunch together at Magic Wok in Whitesands. I went home and lost conscious soon after. Haha. The next day was food testing again; another freeloading. Another comical scene occured at the staff's pantry where Kumar, me, Nat and QD formed a human chain and took cold drinks from the fridge. It seemed endless as there were 2 other teachers in the pantry too; imagine passing 18 cans of drink individually at that time. Well, then came the 8 hour long meeting. It was definitely the longest meeting in my entire life, where it seemed like a rollercoaster ride. There were many pointers to note as the formal meeting with our TAs ended at around 3.30pm. After which, a half hour break was given and then we had our own thrashing session. It was then where emotions were let loose, spilled, controlled and fluctuated. We seriously had a problem, and I believe all who were present settled it. It was defintely a memorable experience and I'm sure our council will be more bonded now. It's simply interesting to see how each individual has grown to be such mature adults. I'm very proud to say that I'm in council and that all 17 of them are my team members. Though 18 people constitutes a very small council, but these people have worked hard and they have obviously changed for the better and deserve a position in the council. I accompanied Liane, Fei and Kha to Magic Wok again for dinner where we just talk and talk and talk. Another day has gone and I'm in school early in the morning just right outside the squash court. I felt that this particular session has really improved my skills, but I still have alot to learn. I then sat in for sargas and zosma OH meetings. Then, Nat, Fei and me went to Pasir Ris to wait for Kumar and Liane. We then went to Ritz Carlton, where we met up with Kur, Mar, Shus, Zhen, Jay, QD and Ms Yong. The ballroom was the grandest thing that I've ever been to in my whole life. After that, they went to splurge on chocolates and went to Long John for dinner. We chit-chatted for almost 2 hours; it was damn cool. After that, Kumar and I dashed for the MRT as it was getting real late. I alighted at Hougang and went to Keith's house for his bbq. I was freaking late, and I just talk cork with yixin, eng and teckteng. We celebrated Charlene's birthday and threw her into the swimming pool, with Keith as well. After slacking awhile more, we all decided to go home. yixin, teckteng and me waited for 88, then teckteng and me waited for 27 (which never came). After waiting like idiots for 1 hour, we took 88 again to Pasir Ris interchange. Teckteng then blanja taxi and offered to send me to Tampines interchange. One stop closer; right. I spent the next half an hour walking home, and it was 1.30am when I reached home.

Sunday, November 21, 2004


haha, I'm kinda bored right now. Slacking during OGL camp and I seem to be the only person awake whereas everyone else: KOed. Heez. Well, perhaps due to my rich camping experiences, I don't really feel shagged compared to all those true takan training camp. Now, it's been 3 days since I've last blogged, and for the past 3 days, I've been sleeping earliest 1am. For what? It's for this camp which I'm in right now. Haha. With fully packed activities daily, squash and council, I've had been tired and shagged every time i go home. Consider having council meeting directly after lessons, then having vigorous squash training, and then back to council again for the vetting of MMM proposals and meetings and stuff. So life seems kinda boring because of this: study, work, home; study, work, home. But luckily, I borrowed the anime full-metal alchemist. It's seems totally nice, and should be able to fill up my free time during the holidays. =) Also, I've been reading "The league of Extraordinary Gentlemen", which was relatively cool, and "Fables", of which I brought to camp and decided to read on. hmmz, on friday, it was damn fun as I called some of my friends down to the GO (general office) for food tasting. We were supposed to judge on the canteen vendor applicants and they were selling indian muslim food. Free lunch! =) Well, after cleaning up, Wanling and I spoke to Mrs Crossley and then I rushed down for squash. After which I went to the council room and see what's needed to be done on the day of the camp itself. I then went home and slacked off and started packing at 11 plus. Reached school rather early for an overall camp briefing for councillors and OHLs. We then left for the canteen to meet the new batch of OGLs and Qingde kicked off with a camp opening speech. The programme was mass dance, followed by beauty talk, lunch, MMM, dinner, know your college, making of water bombs, then lights out. We had sentry duty, and it was then the lamest thing in the world occured. It was damn dumb as it had Kumar and me rolling on the floor like total idiots, clutching our stomaches and laughing like mad cows. Then, the both of us went to shower at the 1st level, where another lame thing happened. We were talking about how scary it will be if the toilet lights were to off suddenly and it actually occured! What outstanding luck! Thanks to the sensor which will automatically off the lights if there is no movement detected for 10 minutes. Well, amidst all the fun, Halim and I became serious as we touched on topics regarding our council as a whole. I could tell he was affected and talked to him for quite long over supper. Now, I think I should get my 2 cents worth of rest before I start the day tomorrow. CiaoZ~

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


No, I didn't go for the class outing. Wasted. Well, I thought there were better things for me to do, but hey, I slacked at home the whole day. That kinda suck because it was rather boring. Now, I'm doing my maths tutorials, which is rather fun, but I'm rusty now, so I'll require a little more time to finish a question. Maths simply rocks, and the reason I love maths is mostly due to the fact that no studying is required. It is the most interesting subject ever alive in the whoLe wide worLd! You just have to use alittle of your brain juice, and then the numbers or whatever will just flow with the movement of your pen. It's that easy! But one thing I simply don't understand is that why maths is so easy, yet people are complaining that it's tough; maybe it's me I guess, yea, again. Well, I can't do science nor arts (with the exception of lit.), so maybe the essence of life presented a counterbalance as a gift for my incompetence. Anyway, I watched a japanese show, entitled HOTMAN, on channel 56 just now. I really think Japanese serials are damn cool, english shows just aren't as addictive as them. Those memorable shows which still leaves an impression in my mind are japanese: "beach boys", "living under one roof 1 & 2", "guan jun da wei wang" and many more. Can anyone tell me why are they so good? haha. I believe that shows do affect my mindset and eventually, my life. Especially for those touching ones, they really do touch my heart and fuel up an urge to follow. I'm just glad that I can view them and enjoy its art. I'm also glad that I have eyes to see, and I'm grateful for all the little things which allows me to enjoy the serials. All in all, I hope it makes me turn for the better, heez! =) I'm just a person who is grateful for everything in life and tries to live a life without regrets. Well, I like to acknowledge contributions and be apologetic for the smallest stuff which might cause any amount of unhappiness. haha, that's just another side of me. They are the principles which accompany me in life, together with the scouts' laws. Ultimately, with these guideline, I just want to live life to the fullest and be contented. Yeap, that's it. Now back to maths; typical last minute work. Haha!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

stream of activities

Let's continue then. The bbq was somewhat fun, and I kinda enjoyed it, although i wasn't full at all. The ex-2/2 people were there too, and I went over to chat with them. It's been long since I've met them, quite fun to talk to them once again. Well, I decided to stay overnight at Qingde's house as I have guests at my house: my mother's brother and his wife and their daughter. Now, there are altogether 9 people: QD (himself), junxian, chengyao, jingjing, yinghui, meijin, cheryl, jorcelyn and me. Although being totally shagged, I editted Junxian's PTSB bedok proposal. I then used up my remaining energy to entertain all of them by using poker cards to 'foresee' their future; some limeshat, but interesting in a way that everyone was drawn to it and managed to see smiles on their weary faces. I played Naruto and then watched episode 49, the one which I missed, but I was knocked out halfway through. Felt bad when I awoke as the rest had stayed up longer. We went to TM, and on the bus, I was crapping non-stop with Jingjing, haha! It must be due to insufficient sleep, i hope? We then had breakfast at Macdonalds, after which I rushed home, and back out again to Tampines MRT control station. I waited and saw Johanna, and we then waited for Justin. I wasn't spared; walked to various parts of Tampines under the blazing sun, what a great way to add on to my lack of sleep. Being the usual slacker, I scraped some of the venues as Johanna had to go off. I commented abit here and there as this recee was sort of last minute, and I'm truly sorry about it. Well, it was done within one and a half hours. Great! Then Justin and I went back to TM to visit Qingde and Chengyao, who were at the entrepreneurship thingy organised by Temasek Secondary. Slacked around, had lunch, watched the band's performance, then went to pool with Justin, Qingde, Andrew, Chengyao and Weiliang (wished him happy birthday!) =D. I then went home, bathed, and lost consciousness after that. haha. I awoke at night and had my dinner semi-consciously. Then, I sat down in the living room as my aunt's (my mother's side) had arrived and were chatting with our guest (their brother). We talked abit, and I got tired again. Come to think of it now, it's damn dumb because I fell asleep soon after. haha, I'm turning into a pig, eh, not that I'm not already one. oopz! I think I almost died back there, as I woke up at 12 noon the next day. There seems to be so many activities going on, as my parents dragged me to follow them to the John Little's sale at the Singapore Expo. Shopped at there for 2 hours, and then, went back home again. Later, I went out to meet Rayner for tea, a usual routine of mine. And as usual, he had plentiful to say. What can I say, I'm blissed to have him as a friend for life as he usually bombards me with his extraordinary tales of life. He never fails to brighten up my day, heez! The biking gang joined in and they never fail to talk rubbish and exaggerate stuff, which makes things seem funny. =) I hanged out till 10+ before coming home. Next up, class outing at Sentosa tomorrow. To go or not to go?

Friday, November 12, 2004


This is rather crap. Let's start off from wednesday. Firstly, let me emphasize, GG NO RE PW! It's confirm over after the GPF was handed in. After which I proceeded to the council room, where I was with Wan Ling editing the orientation campfire 2005 proposal. It was rather detailed, and after that, we proceeded to LT1 where there was supposed to be a meeting and briefing to the OGLs. It was over when we stepped in, and at that time, I was supposedly camp commandant, and I didn't really know about it. Then, all the councillors had to stay back and be prepared to get whacked by the TAs, as I heard from Kumar that the meeting was not well conducted. Behind the close doors, we were praised first for our so little good things on the list: how wonderful. Then it started, I expected more but they weren't in the mood to screw us totally, I presume. Next, after the one hour session, I had to rush over to Squash. Then, we trained until we were quite tired. After that, we were scolded by our teacher in charge. Well, I saw it coming as our team's attendence recently was pathetic. 2 in a row; not bad, but I wasn't really affected. Even in the council, I was asked to comment on the confusion as I didn't know that I was put as camp commandant for the OGL camp. Well, I was alright with the decision, but based on the solemn atmosphere, I thought that the teachers expected some answer where I sounded annoyed, so I crapped my way through. I don't think scoldings will change my mindset. Try harder please. Okay, after squash, I headed back to the council room to vet PTSB proposals to help Qingde out. Despite my weariness, I stayed till 8+ pm and then went for dinner with Qingde and Jiayan. Funny now that the school seems so quiet at night after pw is over, all J1s must be celebrating man. Finally, I reached home at 10pm and was obviously shagged. But me, being me, slacked all the way till 12 midnight before lights out. I awoke at 12 noon, haha, could tell how tired I was eh? Well, I waited for my family to pick my brother and me up to their friend's house for lunch; to celebrate deepavali. It was rather fun catching up with old friends and we were playing bridge and chatting for about 4 hours. An extremely fun game man. =) Well, after that, I asked my father to send me to Katong for me to meet my friends. It has been a long time since I last saw Dar, and the feeling was great. I greeted him with a warm handshake and handed him a plastic bag, wishing "happy birthday". He replied "happy birthday" and I laughed like mad. He was too engrossed in his LAN game that he didn't knew of his slip of tongue. It was a Maksim CD that I bought at Simei's Sembawang CD shop. Shared by 6, no 7, people: Zhiyang, Xunyong, Andy, Glenn, me, Ralph Lin Kaijun and Ralph Lin Kaijun. Haha. He continued his game while we chatted all the way. It was rather fun, but he had to go off for dinner with his parents and I sent him off at the busstop. I then waited for Zhiyang, Andy and Ralph to stop playing. After that, we went to buy food at Siglap and brought it to Andy's house to makan. Then Zhiyang and I went to Ralph's house to slack. He lent us comics and also gave me a present he got from his long Europe trip. Thanks BRUDDAS! I went home after that and fell flat on the bed shortly after. Today was quite slack, Fmaths lectures are getting better and better. They fulfil my criteria of being slack. After school, there was council stuff to be done. Straight after that, I ran to the squash court where I was pushed physically to my limit in training. Currently, I'm here in the council room slacking alone. Oh no! I have to go to the FRC bbq which is...erm... right about NOW! haha, but do you think I really care? haha, slacking is too addictive to give up on. Although I'm 'wiped out' now, but since I've promised them I'll be there, so I have to keep my word. Just like Naruto. Oopz, I think I'm digressing again. Haha. Well, I'd better go as I'm running REAL late. Crap some other time. Seeya!~

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


Haiz~ it's just me again. Always doing last minute work with the can't be bothered attitude. Everything seems so troublesome, why can't I slack in peace? Haha. It's got to be my fault anyway, I've been playing the whole day. Procrastinating until the last minute, but even as of now, I don't feel stressed by not being able to complete pw as you can obviously tell because I'm blogging now. Besides that, I'm still playing games. You may think, "at this hour? crazy man!" Haha, it's just me. As to why I'm so slack, it has got to be the inborn genius within myself. I'm pretty lucky eh? Anyway, for precision, the day before, I went out for dinner at Marina Bay with my class 04s102, obviously for steamboat. It was sort of a class outing cum celebration after our OP, which almost signifies the end of project work. 04s102, you guys rock!~ This is the best class I've ever been in during my entire life. A small 'crowd' of 15 unique people, which makes it much easier for class bonding. 11 turned up, however, I felt quite sad that khenglong and sutris, my best friends in the class, couldn't make it. BUT, I had fun anyway. Heez =) Let's recall the entire process... ... Boarded the MRT and met Eugene, where we talked all the way on our journey to Marina Bay. When we arrived at 6.40pm, practically everyone except Celestina was there, so we had to wait. After which we all walked to the bus stop, and we didn't chase after the bus which was already there. So we had to wait half an hour for the next bus, which was dumb because we missed the earlier bus. But in a sense, it was good waiting as we started the atmosphere by chatting. Each of us paid $12 for our share, and I ate quite little, considering my humongous appetite. We chatted, took pictures and had fun, which was cool. It was rather late, so Celestina, Kai lin and Eunice had to go off after dinner. The rest stayed behind and played arcade, and surprisingly, me being the usual slacker who doesn't really like to patronize arcades, found that it was damn cool. Not because the arcade was good, but it was because they were playing their hearts out. Naturally, I didn't play and it was a joy seeing them enjoy themselves, and I was the photographer, as usual. That's my hobby, I simply love taking pictures when people are having fun! =) First off, they started racing at Detona with 7 players. We then splited and I watched Stacey, Xiangrong and Yixiong play bishi-bashi and joined Harris to play one other fun game, which we all laughed and had fun playing. Then comes the highlight of our day, the game "popn' music". There were 9 buttons, and we are supposed to press it when the note falls at this common line. We had 7 people playing, obviously we attempted the most difficult and guess what, we conquered it and got first as a result! How lame can it get? We played twice, and we got 1st and 2nd, where we put our name as s102. We then attempted "para-para", which was the dumbest thing alive. We had 5 people stationed at each sensor, and were acting like fortune cats, with our hands gyrating up and down. We looked like retarded asses, but we certainly had fun. I was laughing until I couldn't walk, because at that point of time, it was damn funny and I even took a video of it. Too bad my camera doesn't have sound. =( Well, not surprisingly, we set high scores too. After that, it was quite late and we headed home. As we did so, we crapped and talked about thrashing the high scores in all the arcades in the East. We also crapped about doing project work requesting funds from our civics tutor, Ms Chia. But it was damn funny, and we laughed our hearts out on the train. Plus, we had the entire carriage to ourselves, and the environment then was totally perfect. This is truly a wonderful class outing, and I definitely look forward to more of it. Well, for now, back to project work. Anyway, it's just 13 1/2 hours more to actual end of project work. I'm still slacking, but who cares? Oh, 1 more thing. It's Kaisheng's birthday!! Happy birthday bro! All the best in training to be a leader and bringing your unit up. Ciaoz!~

Monday, November 08, 2004


Food for thought: Do people consider sesquipedalians as supererogatory due to nescience? (Ryan Joseph Jalleh. Msn nick 8th Nov 2004) omfg! stupid pw annotations. Haha! GG NO RE PW!!! loL!~ I've never disliked such a 'subject' before in my entire life. A whirlpool of happiness swirled through my mind. Finally, I CAN SLACK AGAIN!!! What is living life without slacking? Perhaps I should come up with my own set of slacking rules, laws and theories. Not a bad idea eh? This reminds me of liangsheng, a great friend that I've met during my first three months in MJ. He wrote an article about being sianz, stating definitions and theories and such. To sum up my comments in one word: lame. Haha! Is it me or do I really have alot of friends who are super ultra lame? Does lameness makes the world go round? But it was nice meeting them, and I realised there were different aspects of lameness. This is getting lame, so let's not touch on that. Heez =) Well, after commenting GG NO RE, it leads me to remember the good old days of Secondary school where 3 other friends and me competed for being tEh gOsU in gaming in the game warcraft 3. Learnt many slangs from them, improving my micro and macro along the way. Time was certainly golden with them around, as not only did I bring away gOsU skills, I knew that I had 3 great friends whom I can rely on anytime. At that point of time, our enthusiasm was boiling and thus, tried to set up a clan named AF, or rather Animal Farm/Atavistic Fury. We were tEh 4 gOsU gamers in TMS; AF.Chinchilla (Ryan, the leader), AF.Squirrel (Daniel Ho, the assistant leader), AF.Swaku (Jin the swaku) and AF.Beaver, which is me. I have sort of an affirnity with beavers, haha, that's another long story, which arose through me being in softball. Anyway, we 4 ruled and climbed the ladder, besides that, we also spend quality time going out with each other; talking crap, serious and stuff. We also spent the new year 2004 together, overnight at Jin's house that is. Such memorable experiences will not be forgotten and it will remain close to my heart forever. Well, about the beaver thing, I've started softball in Secondary 3, as I found the game to be interesting and I've had alot of good friends there too. I trained hard and soon enough, in Secondary 4, I managed to squeeze in through to the first team. I started to participate in SRC and from there, it is easy to access to the area of City Hall. One time, Daniel Teo, Eugene, Darren and me went to have a walk in suntec after a softball match. We happened to pass by this pub called "Beavers' Paradise". Both Eugene and I didn't know the split meaning of Beaver, so DJ and dar were laughing throughout as it had a pun. Later, I got to know of the other meaning and mysteriously, not to say I'm perverted or what, but I started to like the animal. DJ started calling me that and I thought it sounded cool. Haha! It suited me perfectly, as we know Beavers build dams, and for myself, I usually don't give a damn. Well then, when I first joined AF, the immediate nick I thought of was Beaver. I started playing the race Undead, which was the damned, and I thought to myself, "hey! that's a triple pun, cool man" Haha. That was how it started... ... Suddenly, I just felt like playing softball. It has been long since I've touched my beloved girlfriend: my own personal Abu infielder glove. My teammates were totally awesome people, as most of them were my friends. Usually after school, we would start off ourselves by throwing and catching, and competing for speed was our common goal. Those were the good old days, where fun and laughter were ever present. Though managing only a bronze in the East zone and being knocked out in the Nationals, I'm glad that I've made friends for life too. I'm just grateful for being able to play softball and lan games; in the midst of it, true friendship blossoms, which are more important to me than anything else in life.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

The Beginning

I simply don't know where to begin. thanks kumar for such uncouth addiction: blogging. by the way, nice play of words in your blog. =) Biking. My new found life. Links up to many of my favourite things to do. Considering that I'm the most pro slacker in the whoLe wide worLd, I've been wanting my bike to bike. Not that my mom allows it, but she helps me save money. Been borrowing bicycles from different friends for the past six months, I feel rather bad troubling them. Riding from brandless shit bikes to high end cannondales, it's been a hell of an experience. The best part: knowing that a friend is near you even when you fall. Just came back from the chalet of our so called 'biking gang', where the most retarded stuff are done when we're not on wheels. Although my participation is negligible, it's quite a joy seeing them act retarded, tell lame jokes and laugh. Smiles. It just lightens my spirit; makes me feel comfortable around them though our age differs. Haha, sometimes I think I'm weird, laughing at practically anything. I just like to laugh and be happy, maybe that's the way I want my life to be. That's the way of my ninja. Oopz! Haha. Too much anime. Naruto has polluted my mind, not saying that it has been virtuous and clean. Heez. I find it cool, although others might think it to be just cartoon. Personally, I dislike cartoons. But when it comes to anime, oh my god! I just sat in front of the computer and finished 40 episodes in one day to the extent that my father gave me a dressing down. Now, thanks to Joshua Campbell, I'm 'lusting' for fullmetal alchemist. Well, guess I'll have to wait till Wednesday when we next meet in school. Come to think of it, the previous time I had watched these 'cartoon' stuff was when I watched the movie Spirited Away. It made my eyes watery, but it was restrained and swallowed back in. That's just me, hiding my emotions and trying to be happy all the time. But the 'C' personality in me gives me the wild mood swings, which kinda suck. I totally detest it, however it's not within my control. *sigh* At this rate I'm going, I won't be able to finish. Haha, so basically that's about it for the major highlights in my life currently. Got OP tomorrow but i don't seem to give a damn. Why is it so just before every exams? I just have to go out and enjoy myself and relieve myself from all the pressure, an excuse? Perhaps so, maybe I'm just too lazy and dislike last minute cramming. Besides, I've prepared myself way before each exam, and I'll do my best. If I can perform, that'll be good but if I can't, then too bad. It leads me to recall that once in Secondary 4, there was a Geography common test(only my class is taking as we are the only pure Geog class). I didn't study and when the paper came, I didn't even move my pen for an inch. That's just me again, the same old heck care attitude of if I can do it, then YES I'll do it with whatever I got, if not, NO thanks. Haha, Shikamaru in Naruto is one cool example. That's maybe why i like him, he can't be bothered with anything. Oh no, I'm digressing again. Haha, too many flaws. That's bad. Well, I think I should stop here right now. My brother needs to use the internet. University graduates, always so busy and reliant on their laptops and internet. Hope that I can get in to NUS, that's it for now. I'm turning in, and I'm still not prepared for OP tomorrow. Who cares? Haha, yupz, you're right. That's me, the slacker of all slackers, Stuck.