Sunday, June 20, 2010

project sandcastles


the self experiences yet another significant event in life. an academic year long worth of preparation, a group of 32 individuals.
witnessing the pieces of jigsaw come together and fruits of our labour have been rewarding. a foreign land, the greener pasture, new friendships blossom, fulfilling expectations.

being the pioneer group of volunteers in Prey Ang Kunh, there were doubts and uncertainty but we managed to break the ice and reach out our helping hands. there were many areas which we definitely could have done better, but i gave my best and enjoyed the journey thoroughly. this was always about a trip of volunteerism, going out of your way without expecting anything in return; a clearly lacking value that i would like to impart next year. the objective of building hopes and dream wasn't met, nevertheless the smiles on their faces were priceless.

marketing days were fun, shag and fulfilling. toilet construction was an eye opener, building wells was a necessity. such a lifestyle with the bare minimum implores me to appreciate the simple things in life. living in the comfort and convenience in singapore makes one overlook small details like the availability of water and the fortune of being able to drink it. a slow and lazy pace, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, is relaxing. interacting with the villagers and embracing their culture had been very enriching.

this truly has been a life journey filled with invaluable lessons, and i'll be back to make a difference.


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