Monday, January 03, 2005

the twitch of the eye

25th dec: christmas. it just doesn't feel like christmas. although i did play santa claus... hmmz... left the house at 3.30pm for phuay ying's void deck, called her, surprised her, and gave her a present. the surprise actually worked! not bad for a start. next stop, pasir ris. went to cheryl's void deck, but it didn't turn out as surprising because i had to ask her for directions. right. then called rayner but he wasn't home. so i conveniently borrowed, or rather, stunned his bike and cycled to hongwei's house. caught him by surprise! it's nice chatting with an old friend and watching anime together, although we did more of the latter. =X anyway, bleach is a cool anime! arh har, sorry, yupz. then chiong on the road all the way to marcus' house. then called and surprised him too, and he lent me one whole compilation of Gundam SEED together with yakitate! ja-PAN. it's so damn cooL!~ creative production man. then, rayner called me and i raced back down to his house and surprised him with a present! actually, supposed to do mass delivery, but due to time constrains, i had to be back by 8pm for steamboat dinner. eh, today actually not so STUNNING. it would be too harsh of a word to be used. i didn't see STUNNED facial expressions, probably due to me calling to announce my arrival. hmmz, perhaps next year i should just knock on the door instead of calling them and waiting at the void deck. santa claus, ho ho ho?

26th dec: damn slack man. slack at home the whole day, but feeling guilty too because didn't do homework when i actually have the opportunity. what have i been learning from STUNNING? letting opportunities down the drain? I just slack too much, like shikamaru, find stuff troublesome. then watch Gundam SEED until parents scold. say i'm wasting my life away, blaa blaa, what do i learn from watching all that crap. yar, what do i learn? but it's not about that, anime is a source of inspiration to me. though it may sound crap, but i yearn to change for the better every time i view a touching scene from it. it ain't all that great, but yar, it serves as a learning point for me. but i can understand from their point of view, because i think it wastes alot of time too, especially when i can do my hw with it. but no, who would choose to do hw? i mean, nobody even thinks about it man. right, i'm becoming more of a slacker, but it just ain't right. just not right...

27th dec: woke up late and when i came to school, the meeting was on halfway. i was like, don't go in now. give bad image on the sc. so i ponned, but i already went to the council room where kha was in it. so where? walking and walking, i took a sip at the bestest water cooler ever (3rd floor bio lab there). then pushed open the toilet door, slide my pouch on the floor, took a leak, then i sat there right under the fan so i won't get blown. Reflections. sorry man, it IS a weird place to ponder, but i'm just weird enough to like it. it's so perfect: sparkling clean and a stinging silence. to think is a fortune. i just sat there, thinking and thinking. torrents of thoughts poured in relentlessly, but together with the environment, it was cool for me. so Stuck is weird, what's new? then, i actually took note of time! i strolled back to the council room, with pouch in hand, and saw the PRC OHAs coming back from the meeting at the AVA room. didn't say a word, was still thinking. then they were slacking, so i stood outside, having the birds eye view of the school and continued thinking. i then heard mr yeow's voice, then i realised they started meeting. without me, yar, so i could have just stood outside and be left pondering to myself. why did i ever step in? *ponders* i then stayed in school late enough to be able to meet rayner for tea. what the hell, i even thought on the bus, but that's what i usually do. haha. today's just thinking eh? but just as i thought so, when i went back home, i had to start on MMM. worked my way to 3,4 am in the morning to complete MMM and WnW. what am i doing man? purposely choose the road of suffering? probably due to me NOT doing anything for council, being the usual slacker. anyway, i'm not doing much for orientation now. just slack only. so why am i up to 3,4 am in the morning? hmmz... ... (did not talk of my thoughts because i would just go on and on and on)

28th dec: came to school extremely early and rested. liane came, chatted with her, then slack. helped halim do WnW, then do MMM with kumar. supposed to teach the ogls on the new couple dance, but slack lah... if kumar and i were to dance on stage, that's it! anyway, kumar, halim and i then went to bugis for lunch and movie, kung fu hustle. kumar says it's cheap thrill, halim thought it was a waste of money, and i was like, not funny. so it wasn't the type of comedy we were expecting, but whatever the case, i'm glad we could actually go out together. =) then, kumar and i walked ALL THE WAY FROM BUGIS TO VCH!! remarkable achievement eh kumar? but it's nothing to me, hikes are just worse, but let's not get to that. felt sleepy already, and i slept for the first half of Juxtapose. oh no! i'm so sorry. sat with zhiyang and xunyong, but after the intermission, i was fully awake for some reason which i know not. the last few pieces were rather good and zhiyang and i were talking about their performance. after that, the 3 of us were supposed to go for supper, but it was getting real late, so zhiyang went home. therefore xun and i went to 168 and we called rayner. i really like zzy and xun's company, it's just that we have so much to talk about everytime we meet. just talking about stuff carefreely, how cool is that? (no, i ain't sarca this time round) we ordered limejuice and prata, and halfway through, rayner's mom came by and ordered tea and some nice black pepper pork steaks for us. so nice! thanks auntie! then she began talking about her son, say he ignorant, say she is experienced in life, blaa blaa, i kind of admire rayner then. it's because his mother is able to speak reason with him, but she says that he doesn't listen. so xun and i were just listening and nodding to everything she said before she left us alone. heez. it's not really nice to have your mom speaking bad things about you in front of other people, but hey, it's all for his own good! anyway, it was like past midnight, so both xun and i rushed for the last bus. what a eventful day! =)

29th dec: was feeling abit sick today. so i didn't go for the PRC. but i felt better in the afternoon so i went to hongwei's house to continue watching anime. haha. then met rayner for tea yet again to kill time before i went for the squash bbq at evelyn's condo Tropica. it is a beautiful condo man! okay, the funny thing was it was supposed to be at 7pm, but ALL the guys were late. hmmz, sounds typical? but damn funny, we all came at the same time. haha. i love the squash guys, they are one cool bunch! wanted to push eng and wig into the swimming pool, but it was too late and the security guards were patrolling, damn sian lah. after packing up, we headed for the bus stops. on the way there, since there were alot of marshmellows left, the guys all loaded themselves with it and threw it at the girls walking in front of us. quite a comical sight i would say. then, on the bus to the interchange, the bus was fully seated and we dominated the back seats. then, they put wig to sit at the corner and squeezed him. but that ain't the funny part, what happened was in the process of doing so, shangqi, who was at the other end, lost his balance, and instead of grabbing the headrest of the seat in front, he grabbed the shoulder of a woman sitting in front!! hahaha. after that, we all slacked at the interchange, chit-chat for awhile then went home.

30th dec: orientation coming already. wah sian! tried to complete most of the stuff. stayed in school till 6pm. then went to meet rayner for tea. arh, forget it!

31st dec: slack at home watch finish gundam SEED. people enjoying themselves outside, i'm just slacking at home with mum telling me to do hw. great, still incomplete. forget everything already, i'm so screwed. new year resolutions? i agree with what my friend said of why wait till the end of year to have resolutions? perhaps that's why i'm doing it on a daily basis. it has definitely been an eventful holiday, wait a min, what holiday? my heartfelt thanks to the council, especially Halim and Kumar, whom i get to see most during the holidays and thus featuring in most of my entries.


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