Sunday, January 30, 2005


open my eyes, to see things as i should,
may i do, my daily turn of good.
Let me be ready, waiting for each need,
to keep it clean, in thought and word and deed.

i did. realized yet again, that i couldn't see everything. understanding and wisdom doesn't come with the snap of fingers. at least, i understood. seeing is one thing, believing another. the reflection of a simple bus EZ link tap machine seemed distorted. reflections too, follows. present, but different.

thanks mr yeow for the book. though slow paced, what i have absorbed is already tremendous. reading only like afew pages, i stop to ponder. yet, i know that there are much more to it than the book. it's only a guide. don't really want one single book to determine my life.

congrates to eng who got 16th for the road race. guess you won't be taking taxi the next 10 years? lol. wig, ya deserved the 20th position, though the way you received the medal was damn funny. =) then went to simpang bedok to eat with eng, yixin and farhan. sialah! kena swarmed by 4 people to patronize their stall, they even set up special table for us. scary. but irritating.

didn't make it for S paper. the school disallowed me to take, yet my fmaths teachers are behind me and willing to help me speak up. they rock! =) they always do, just that people don't see it in that perspective. i could sit in the lectures, and if i do well for march block test, i might make it! *prays* thanks weiding, junjie and brandon who were concerned on whether i could take it! =) with these genuises supporting and helping me, hopefully i can do well =)

cycling. love it. miss it. wanted to cycle to bedok jetty just now, but was too late. thought i could relax and sort things out there, but the trip has to be postponed. had dinner with junkai, ryan and xun. crapped alot. went to junkai's house where he gave me the badges he helped swopped during NZ jamboree. he's lucky to have went there; the stories he related were so cooL!~ =) it made me wanna go too, but it's over, and i'm contented to have the opportunity to go for my korea jam. equally fun, and an experience. scouts just rocks!~ =)

the thinker. the big five personality test is true, but in my eyes, that was a waste of money. sorry to be a spoiler and i have no intention of saying i'm good, but it's that the answers which are reflected in the booklet are our answers which we submitted during the test. it is just a presentation of which we are paying for. our personality is there, but it only lets us be conscious of it. well, maybe those who don't really know themselves and can't handle details would find it worthwhile, but if you dig deeper, everything is apparent.

journey on.

now as i journey, upon my chosen way,
in all i do, my thoughts, my work my play.
grant as i promise, courage new for me,
to be the best, the best that i can be.


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