Monday, January 17, 2005


here i am at an unearthly hour again. haha =) No, not because i have no life. i was doing maths. you see the picture now? haha, surprisingly, i don't feel tired. i survived without caffine. interesting.

well, as the day passes, thoughts become more abstract. to complicated to sort out, too deep to understand. what baffles me isn't the ordinary 'solvable' problem which requires time, it is the question of life, or some people might call it the "Truth". It isn't the simple why do i live, why am i here. but rather, it is more difficult and perhaps, impossible to solve for my infinitesimal mind. i wonder why i wonder such stuff, why my thoughts are provoked so easily, but let's not get to that.
also, i've been noticing things lately. and more often than not, others don't have the previlage to do so. but it wouldn't affect them, as they are small matters which would be cast away by any other human. i was just lucky to spot them and take note, and suddenly it led me to be aware of my surroundings better. i've been hearing alot too, which somehow or rather affects my thinking. hmmz, my senses really play a major role in toying with my emotions. hehe =)

let's move away from that. the workload piles on. *sigh. i caught up with my double maths, but still need to revise fmaths, getting difficult now. why don't people believe me when i say my maths suck? lol. anyway, there'll be a lecture test for maths c students later, and fmaths students have been invited to take the test on vectors and MI, something we did long before. i forgot most of it though. haha. well, we were discussing whether we should come late, because if we come early then sleep, that'll be pointless. furthermore, later still got S paper talk, which all of us are interested in. heheh. i really hope i can take S paper for maths c, but i don't fulfill the criteria because of my poor chem results. haiz~ hope my appeal will be successful. =)

took the big five personality test last night. it was a painstaking 270 question long quiz, and i took quite awhile. while taking the test, i realized i got to know myself better after orientation. hey, that's new! =) went online, talking to some people halfway, then realize no time already. had to do work. so sorry! then here i am, waiting for school to start so that i can continue to pedal on the cycles of life.


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