Sunday, December 18, 2005

a tribute

tuesday 20th dec 2005; 2.32am

AF (atavistic fury/animal farm):
AF.Chinchilla (ryan):
your proficiency in the english language is what impresses me. yes, your precision for things, like spelling, punctuation and timing, you've got them right. =) your inquisitiveness, practise for perfection and leadership (in war3) are what makes you unique. i will always remember the times i've been to your house to study/war3/play with your piano/chinchilla. rock on dude!
AF.Squirrel (dan ho):
shuai ge! you're the man! heh.. one snap of his fingers, all the pretty girls come flocking to him with his baby face. he's cool, IT savvy, and a great friend. can talk alot with him as he's rather knowledgable. will always remember the times we've lan, sleepover, pool! this is what i call my hao xiong di, my good buddy. =)
AF.Swaku (jin):
exactly as his nick suggests, this guy is my great friend who digs the same puns and jokes we both crack. the similiar trait of us both is that we can't live without bargains, and our dressing suits our personality, not the trend. your laughs makes my day, and i'm sorry for making fun of you at times, but you'll know i'm just kidding. anyway, thanks dude! will always the times we chat/lan/sleepover/pool.
what can i say man? close friends since sec 1, and knew each other through the lame game CS, which we are still playing, but last time we play until our money fly away. 6 years man.. we've had our ups and downs, been to your house like 689027854 times, done many things together. it'll be great if we were to enter the same university, and carry on to be friends for life. what will i do without you? heh (sounds gay, yeah, but it's a happy thing)
6 years too, is a long time. we've been teammates, and those were the great times. you've been the cool, tall, handsome and great guy all along, so stay nice. talented and sporty as you are, the sense of humour is just perfect, like an icing to a cake. heh.. thanks for being my friend and playing a great part in my life, let's just keep going out till i kick the bucket. =)
my scouting bro, one guy who has endured good shit and bad shit together with me for 4 years. also, we cycle together, although he's gosu and always a mile ahead when we're racing. now that you got a girlfriend, don't forget me, the great scouting times as well as lower sec times. it's great fun to remember those carefree days, and the silly things that we would do together. heh
a quiet guy to start with, but an interesting guy to talk to. a must to get to know this guy better, one cool guy to hang out with. he's a pure lefty, full of creativity, and likes to play soccer. next time let's jam together when you're free eh? got girlfriend must tell me! lol
big daddy's in town! always with a cool usage of english, cracking up some weird humour which never fails to make me laugh. his general knowledge is wide, just like his size. =X haha! now into akido, which is a rather cool sport. i go learn muay thai, then we shall spar sometime soon eh? dhal or murukku please? thank you
weren't classmates with ya, but got closer with ya at the sec3 leadership camp. somehow, we'll always go movie together in our big group, and dinner/dota together, completing the ring of . have fun, and all the best in your life =)

FRC (fund-raising committee)
our leader cum my fellow council mate. not close to you there, but you did a great job in frc. your generosity is well-liked, and a nice person to talk to. your area of expertise is technical, and that's cool. i'll miss the good times we've worked together and the sleepover.
this pretty girl has big sparkling eyes, and is a joy to talk to. we can rattle on totally pointless stuff, and she loves the beach like i do. pasir ris park is awesome, because few people visit it. but sometimes quite lame, keep on saying i smart. lol... people stupid can? =)
this guy is rather quiet, but it's interesting to meet him for most of the days on my journey to school as we take the same train. also, a very enthusiatic guy, who doesn't show it, as he still goes back to help npcc! this guy is also very helpful, so rock on dude! =)
same interests in anime, and has the ability to crap with me. a rather daring and enthu person too, and its a pity we didn't get to know each other better in tms/mjc. well, i believe you're one thoughtful guy, so continue being yourself! =)
wah, this cute little girl is quite nice to be around with. she is quite pro in running, shooting, and she can fish! loves the beach too, and a great friend to have. jia you in everything you do!
although don't interact with ya much, but the sporty image of you is quite prominent. don't play play with her around =)
eh bro, why is it that everytime is me talking and you laughing? an interesting personality with brains to go with. all the best to your becoming of a pilot.. heh

obs (outward bound school)
alamak! mangkok! my squash captain, pro sia. he has the beng look, but actually a very fun guy to be with. ke-de-pap, ke-de-poop, and he does something funny. king of ole, tall, handsome, buay tahan sia! quite a reserved guy, but a darn good buddy. will always remember the cool times during squash, obs and post-prom. heh
darling, everytime so intimate with me, i will miss it leh! =P an independent guy, with a broad relationship experience, and another tall freak. dance president you know, can easily toss you into the air. take good care of yourself hor *winks*
omg, another ultra lame freak. a pro in talking cork, and he everytime go gym work out, want to act hunk only... lol! bro, don't bet too much soccer lah, gambling not so good

ZH (hongwei):
omg! it's byakuya! everytime so pro, and so kind, nice, helpful blaa blaa.. (all the good qualities) everytime go his house de, until become familiar with his parents, his com and his fridge! bwahahahah. he started the usage of !, which soon became our greeting. heh.. thanks for being a wonderful friend for 6 years! so long sia... anyway, my dota teacher! next time i think i still go your house watch anime =)

all of you guys are special in my eyes, and treasure you is what i will do, as you are what makes my world all so colourful. =) thank you!


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