Tuesday, November 29, 2005


visiting is now on top of my list of things to do in the holidays. went to ben's house with kumar on friday, playing guitar and playing guitar, radical dreamers rocks! went to halim's house on saturday, where we enjoyed splendid hospitality. lepak! thanks dude for inviting =)

well, today was pure shopping. before i adjourned to bugis, i was counting numbers and their cubes, but only up till 13 and 2197 =( nvm, i'll improve soon, heh. met up with dar, glenn and huangeng for shopping. glenn bought this cool t-shirt at natural project, i wanted to buy one pretty feast to the eyes t-shirt, save the contrain from my pocket. went to x/square (looks like chi-square) in marina square to purchase dar's shirt and pants. so people are spending a bomb on prom and clothes, i am only willing to pay no more than $30. haha. saw saumun and shauna there too, but guessed they didn't notice me. being the usual slacker, i was in shirt, shorts and slippers. that is why i like being with glenn, he doesn't mind what i wear as he recall people not accepting my dress code in the streets of orchard and suntec. he would have been in shorts too, but this was one of the occasions he had jeans on.

anyway, my parents were complaining on why i must wear formal to prom. i was like, if only slack casual was accepted, i would definitely go to prom in shirt, slippers and three-quarters. that's what i did for my sec school prom, considering it being held in school. i wish to pull off the same stunt again, but it'll be a disgrace to fullerton if i came in such attire. and to think that i find it difficult wearing jeans out... hmm, come to think about it, i've wore jeans about less than 5 times in my entire life =) if i were to wear so, that would be so not stuck.

that's quite out of point, but yeah, i realised like 95% of the strayers at orchard wore jeans. thanks to glenn, i didn't feel awkward =) places like topshop are daylight robbers, thank god for me being of the minority mindset for stringent consumers, if not singapore's economy will go bust. heh. went to an ulu foodcourt in centrepoint for dinner with glenn and huangeng, and man was it good. these places rock my world, where a simple fare in a tranquil ambience at the peak hour satisfy thy stomach. interesting to find out glenn's mindset, where we chatted about girls and how he doesn't seem to fancy any yet. funny how such a cool guy doesn't have any suitors yet? well, went to john little with huangeng before standing at the traffic light in front of it. standing there and watching the world passing is cool, but we decided to head home anyway. he also talked to me about his idea on girls on the mrt, and we had a heartful time reminscing the good ol' softball days.

reached home only to come online at 12.30am, and entering a chat with ryan, jin and squirrel about relationships yet again. lol. interesting how we argued our opinions and accepting each other's viewpoint. AF rOxOrz! i am teh slacker, and simplicity is king.


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