Monday, December 05, 2005

dresses and cards

tues 6th dec 2005 2:46am

finished the "no entry" show at kumar's house, and after we jammed abit, his father drove us to the fullerton for our prom...

we have many men in black, and i was like so slack but that was alright because i like it =) carrying a pouch seemed awkward, but there were many stuff which i stuffed into it. heh. everyone didn't go in yet, as only kumar, fir and me owned the cocktail reception area, finishing the nuts at one table. when people started streaming in, then the mad flashes begin. blinded so many times, we proceeded in to the ballroom to our table. seating arrangement was GG, but it became a passing hindrance. first up was cold dish, followed by sharks fin soup, chicken, scallop, good fish, brocolli, noodles and sago as desert. the emcee was good but rather crude, all in the name sake of fun. so most people looked their best, with changes that makes people unrecognizable. yes, this would be the change; a turning point, at which where we venture will be scattered all over. travelled all over the place to meet with friends, but the possibility of capturing shots with everyone i knew was impossible. overall, entertainment was fun, and prom king and queen were sharul and josephine respectively. congrates! =)

we then concluded with half the people on the dance floor, and the other half outside taking more pictures. i followed qingde up to a room to check out how it looks like, and i made history repeat itself when i was STUNNED ALONG THE CORRIDORS yet again!! oh well, i met up with eng, and followed shawn, diana and muralee to shawn and diana's room at the oriental. then they 3 left for orchard swensen's while eng and i went to a nearby roadstall for prata. however, that was the biggest mistake! the prata is the most GROTESQUE thing on this earth, imagine 2 pieces of burnt dough dipped in curry which has more of spice than of flavour. GG! with the drink shop closed, we adjourned to the oriental's restroom to drink toilet water. thereafter, we sat down at the sofa at the lobby. it wasn't any ordinary sofa, it was SLANTING with cushion, extraordinary! so we just stoned there for half an hour till 4am, before walking to Plaza Singapura. so we had a pit stop at the MacDonalds there, where we met other mjcians. i lent them my playing cards, while eng and i went to slack outside the MRT station. doing stupid things in the middle of night, we just talked cork and looked at pictures, taking them too. due to the bad lighting, most pictures didn't materialise. wasted =(

we went to Mac yet again, this time for breakfast: sausage mcmuffin. we then took the first train home, but instead of expecting nobdy, there was a crowd for such an unearthly hour. how weird! thanks eng! you rock =) thanks to all those who have taken a picture with me =)


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