Saturday, December 25, 2004


To start off, a MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone. =)
23rd Dec: went to school early in the morning, plans had change due to feiting leaving our council. haiz~ nvm fei, spiritually, we still treat you as a councillor always! =) anyway, despite the many committees that i'm in, i'm now WetNWild 1st i/c. but it's alright, should be fun i guess =) so i was down for the meeting in the morning and it was held all the way till 12noon. then, kha said that ibrahim was in CGH, and asked whether we wanted to go visit him, and since it's near my house, why not?? okay, so kha, halim, kumar, liane and me waited in school for ms yong who wanted to come along too. yupz, we went to eastpoint for lunch first, then to CGH and ibrahim's ward. we later found out that it was his 4th day of stay and also the day of discharge. good for him, finally can go back and rest. and he was yacking and yacking away, but it was a good sign which means that he's alright now. haha! Wishing you a speedy complete recovery ibrahim!After that, Kumar and i took a train all the way to harbourfront, where i met Dar and his sis. they were going to sentosa too, haha... both of us continued on the free shuttle bus, and it was very empty, hence taking the back seats and boy were they spacious! we sit like king like that, eh, maybe we were just being natural? lol. upon reaching there, we bought admission tickets (like duh), then taking the blue line to siloso beach. Kumar was damn delighted lah, the height of the ceiling of the bus was way above his head, unlike those SBS buses and MRT, where he hit his head 2 times today. poor guy! we then jalan jalan as we couldn't contact zhen, nat, mar, kur & sush. we sat down at a table and saw a guy puking. poor thing! i felt like puking too, then he looked over to me. my thought bubble: he puke, look at me, then i puke, look at him, he puke somemore (which he did), and we continue having a puking contest. DAMN DUMB LAH! kumar laughed like shit too when i told him. okay, we found them and they just came out of the water. they wanted to go toilet, and conveniently dump their bags to us. thanks arh! come all the way just to become bag carriers, oh what fun. kumar and i then settled down at this place where snacks and drinks are sold, and there's a pool table there too. the girls played pool while we guys watched and talked cork.
Firstly, the guy who is tending the place was superbly trying not to not stare at them, then fantastically resisting himself from not trying to teach them how to play. Not that i am jealous, but kumar and i found it dumb. nobody asked him to, and he voluntarily did so, what a nice guy? also, the cue stick was as tall as zhen. haha! we were bored and thus recalled on what we done at PS the other time. which led us to *wave* at the passing monorail. DAMN DUMB! we could tell from the various responses... those who did nothing were mostly singaporeans; some who waved back were foreigners; one guy posed with a twist on his finger as i had a camera in one hand. i was running late, thus we headed out of sentosa. on the blue line back, there was this DAMN DUMB TAXI DRIVER which turned towards the bus at a T-junction when we OBVIOUSLY had the right of way. we all then took NEL, and i alighted at dhouby ghaut and transfered to a train to orchard. NEL trains are super fast and cool, haha!
i then walked to far east, only that i didn't use the underpass. and i saw ANOTHER DUMB THING similar to the taxi incident. it was CLEARLY red light, and perhaps due to the traffic conjestion, this one car accelerated and made a turning, only to get himself horned at. either drivers nowadays are blind or just dumb, i really want to believe in the former, trust me, i'm trying. okay, i was real late for glenn's dinner, but met up with him at this grand condo afew streets from far east plaza. it was good food, but i didn't eat much, probably because my stomach is recovering. xun was there too, and we 3 talked and had fun. after that, glenn had to stay and clear up, so xun and i went off first. we talked and talked and talked, damn nice talking to him. but on the train back home, we stoned as it was crowded. haha.

24th Dec: nothing much to do in the afternoon, except to finish off my homework, if not my mum will be pissed with me, but she already is. haha. i went out at 3 to buy bus-concession. YES! travelling would be fun now... =) popped over at rayner's house and slacked there, drank tea at 168 with junkai and ryan, and gave him his present before i left. Junkai is really 1 retarded but super fun to be with guy. his personality combined with his looks are totally perfect. can be also said that the most retarded guy i ever knew. haha! but all the best for your NZ jamboree during the new year, have fun. on the way to pasir ris on bus 12, i talked to kumar about work and the journey seemed short. i met eileen and i didn't have to wait! i was early though, but she's punctual. i like! okay, we walked to pasir ris park, and into fisherman's village for dinner. i met Nicky and his girlfriend, and he mistook her as my girlfriend. well, it was a rather good dinner as the ambience and scenery was appealing. we then walked along pasir ris park and had fun chit-chatting. received so many x'mas greetings, i'm so touched! okay, i then went over to rayner's house and cycled a short while, before slacking at his house then heading back home to abide by my mom's midnight curfew.

THANKS Xun, Sutris, Rayner, Daniel Teo, Kunxiang, Marilyn, Kailin, Cherie, Liane, Eileen, Valerie lee, Samuel, Siewluang, June, Cheryl & Mr Yeow for SENDING CHRISTMAS GREETINGS VIA SMS!!
THANKS Sean, Hongwei, Rachel, Feiting, Po yuang for YOURS WISHES VIA MSN!!

Now, back to work...

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

personality test

after completing my maths C holiday revision assignment (except for 1 dumb question which i can't figure out YET), i retook the DISC test to see whether my personality has changed since many of the councillors have changed due to maturity. =) but no, i'm still a C... not sure whether CSI or CIS...heez =)
stuck is a fact finder and does things "by the book". He can be sensitive if others are being critical of his work, especially if they have not carefully reviewed all the data. stuck clarifies expectations before undertaking new projects, and he works hard to meet standards. stuck will typically maintain a neat and orderly work environment.
stuck values close, personal relationships, and he will often put the needs and desires of those who are loyal friends ahead of his own needs. He is an even-paced individual who thrives in a peaceful, harmonious environment. stuck will work to avoid conflict and sudden changes in his lifestyle and finds joy in keeping tradition.A warm, outgoing person, stuck enjoys having a high level of interaction with others. He usually finds the "silver lining" in a difficult situation, and typically enjoys the thrill of trying new things. He has a gift for influencing those around him and is viewed as an instinctive communicator. Others find stuck easy to approach and enjoy his easy, open rapport.stuck would prefer things stay the same, rather than to risk a new venture (unless it is proven and true). He is typically peaceful and low key, and is usually seen by those around him as a good friend and listener. He tends to adopt a "wait and see" attitude about things, rather than taking charge of a situation, usually preferring to let others take the lead.


day 3 in malacca, i would say, was rather fruitful and fun. I went out to Mahkota Parade with my mum to shop, but i had no $$ with me left, so i could only window shop. anyway, i didn't see anything nice so yupz... my aunt wanted to buy the incredibles cushion, so my mum sort of "treated" me to MacDonalds. but it didn't taste as good as the MacDonalds in singapore. well, after i got home, i had practically nothing to do, so i proceeded to do my homework. and yAy!! i finished my Maths C Holiday Revision Assignment, with afew questions left blank due to me forgetting the formula. hehe! 1 subject down, 2 to go. loL!~ anyone who wants to borrow, please pay $0.50 per hour or $3 per day. hahaha!! nolah.. just joking, just sms me lah.. works on a first come first serve basis. okay, at night, my aunt, my mum and i went out for a rather long walk just to eat wanton mee. i tell you, not only does it taste like 9347539875 times better than the ones in singapore, it only costs $2.oo RM!!! what the hell right? okay, i'm biased. maybe not. ALL the roadside or coffeeshop food are freaking cheap! that just rocks for me.. heez! again, yet another sleepless night, with another feast for the mosquitoes. i bet they are enjoying it...

i woke up at 8am, then went back to sleep on the bed till 12 noon and i wasn't feeling that good. but it's alright, the last day and we were going back soon! okay, then i continued sleeping till 3pm, then took panadol and packed everything for the bus journey home. took one last look at the baby before taking a taxi to the bus station. the taxis there are unlike singapore, with no cost metre probably because of the conjested roads there, thus having a fixed price from the various destinations and areas already. after that, the bus Konsortium was damn spacious and comfortable, only i found it shivering cold due to me fasting the whole day and wearing short pants. my father came to pick me up, where he sent my aunt home before sending us home. thanks pa. i immediately went to bed and tried to sleep, but struggled for quite awhile due to the immense heat i was feeling.

i'm feeling better now, thanks to the panadol i guess? can't go out now as my mum wants me to rest at home. sad... maybe i'll continue with my other hw? haha... NOT!
20th Dec: Happy Birthday Jayantha & Christine & Mary-Anne
21st Dec: Happy birthday Jonathon Teo
22nd Dec: Happy birthday Chris!

Sunday, December 19, 2004

in malacca

well... yesterday, before i left for malacca, i called halim to update him on what has been going on for orientation. yupz. feel quite bad because he just came back from NZ and i had to trouble him with work again. so sorry halim, but all the best!! at the bus station at lavendar, the bus was 20mins late!! damn dumb.. but i'm already used to waiting... god knows why right? then, had a 5 hour journey to malacca and luckily, my uncle picked me up from the station there. the place sure has changed since i last went there, like erm, 1 year ago? yup. but the house didn't change at all! and the surroundings too... immediately after putting my bag down, my aunt and i left the house to the famous Jonker Street for shopping! yay! time for buying of christmas presents. heez. not much changes, but i had a fabulous time there. spent like 100RM, wow! jialat... my mum's gonna lecture me like siao! but nevermind, i feel pampered buying so many stuff for my friends =) also, the food here is still cheap as ever, can't be compared to singapore prices; so exhorbitant. anyway, i didn't get much sleep last night as i was giving the mosquitoes a free buffet of blood.
today's my baby cousin's 1 month old! she's sure taking centrestage, and my aunt is free from her confinement too. i went over to my grand aunt's house for a splendid lunch, and took an afternoon nap there. i paid respects to my greatgrandma, grandfather and granduncle and hope they bless my baby cousin siew fang. after coming back to the house, i was bored and had nothing to do, and guess what? oh so predictably, my mom asked me to do my homework. wow! what a getaway from singapore eh? loL!~ anyway, i went out and had SATAY CHOLOK for dinner. so cooL! i always eat it whenever i'm here, it's like so nice and i don't know which part of singapore do they sell this satay cholok. it's like different varieties of food which are ready in satay sticks and we deep it in a satay sauce in the middle, some sort of like a steam boat but not with soup, only satay sauce. damn delicious! yummy, and here i am now blogging. can't stay for long as they use dial-up. so chaoz. oh no, the baby's crying. Let's go and check on her. and oh yar, she is sooooooo CUTE!!! heez.. oopz =X

Friday, December 17, 2004

levelling up stunning skills

15th dec: finally got down to slacking again... and i was at home alone all the way till dinner time, and i made an effort to do some hw but it didn't really help. after attempting afew questions at the fmaths 1997 paper, i gave up and went back to slacking. had dinner with biking gang at 168 again, and they told me of the carwashing experience as that night only 2 of them were present. we then intended to cycle to east coast for the night, but on the way there, rayner's back tyre punctured due to overpumping of air. therefore only alvin, alson, ryan and me went to cycle. but we decided to go to siglap mac, then pop over to charles house to collect ryan's cassette, then cycling to bedok jetty. on the way there, was talking on the phone with kumar about council work... boring! and i met andy outside siglap mac. well, reaching bedok jetty, ryan and alson had a quarrel but i was talking to kumar about work, thus finding them noisy and hence went to a quieter spot to talk to him. when i came back, i realised ryan's back tyre was out of air and he and alson were still bickering. kids! loL!~ anyway, it was getting real late and my mom would murder me, thus i raced back to rayner's house at top speed while they talked to this uncle who lent them an air pump to pump ryan's tyre. when i got home, my mum said that i'd better start showing her my holiday homework, if not i cannot go out for the whole of christmas week. sigh~ guess i'll have to bring it to malacca and complete. splendid

16th dec: thought i could take my time going to school. it turned out the mrt had a track fault at pasir ris! i was waiting like a dumb person as the train was stuck at simei. when it did move to tampines, it asked us to alight and said:" please use another form transport." was like 1 hour late when i finally reached school. but upon arrival, kumar and i had to start loaning to the band members who were waiting for us for the blazers. was then supposed to do stock checking of first aid stuff, but gave up halfway due to the temptation of kumar's electric guitar. the complete first aid kits which are done already are really pathetic, but even when i told kumar, he was like huh? nevermind about that, i couldn't be bothered...oopz! =X well, i accompanied wanling to meet with mr yeow regarding campfire, then kumar accompanied me to bedok where we had late lunch, then meeting kur and her sis to buy the first aid stuff. we made kur a happy girl by letting her cleaning the shelf with our massive purchase. we can be considered as stunning all the stuff at Guardian, as the cashier's face was total taken aback from what we have bought, ie. totally STUNNED, and kumar could testify to that. damn farnie! well, i brought the loot back home and had some secret stuff planned by kumar and me, so if interested, do approach us for further details. =)

17th dec: finally able to catch up with what i have missed over the past few weeks. TODAY (yes, can use this word again), i woke up and still was comtemplating where i should go for squash or council. tough decision; i even called up mr yeow to say that i wouldn't be able to make it, and he was understanding enough to let me go for squash. SUCH A NICE GUY! but hey, i felt guilty, and after taking into consideration all factors, i chose to alight at pasir ris mrt instead of tampines. i even had my squash shirt on, and had a small internal struggle till the final moment. sorry faeez, i didn't turn up. i've given my word to mr yeow earlier, so i guess i had to stick with it. we pinned up the names of next year's j1 kids, and folded, put into envelope, stick the names, stamp and finally bring it to the post office. great job to all who were present!!
hey, kumar and i are on a STUNNING SPREE. first, we stunned the excess food from the people outside LT1 and it became our lunch. secondly, it was operation P. after stamping all 880 letters, i conveniently carried one big white box, and stunned a 24-can carton worth of pokka green tea drinks. it was in a big brown box, and kur added the small BROWN box of letters above it to make it camouflaged. also, perfectly coordinated with kumar's diversion, we sneaked past the entire GO with mr yeow right beside us. he turned to look at me, but didn't notice the large brown box of green tea. so there we were, grinning for ear to ear, and enjoying the stunned stuff after our day's hard work. we then watched a hindi movie, but after disc 1, kumar and i had to post the letters at whitesands. after that, we still had first aid to do, and had to make a decision quick. oh what the heck! i went back to school and packed the first aid kits. both of us even dashed to elias mall to get extra ziplog bags to finish our work, and now we needn't worry since i'll be gone from singapore tomorrow. i'm contented that i've completed my part of the job and rest peacefully.
well, because of that rushing, i was late in meeting dar, zzy and xun. felt so bad as i was very late i tell you, but they waited for me patiently at mph. thanks guys! you rock! and zhiyang gave me a sounvenir from yunnan, a totally cool one. thanks bro! we had lots to talk about, and then i took bus 31 home. a rather long journey but with plenty of time to think about stuff. pondered about myself, and realise i still have much to learn and improve. i still think i am not doing much, slacking as usual, and sometimes get carried away in emotions. felt useless, squandering away my life, and definitely need to work on certain aspects of my personality. somehow suppressing the D in me, and i'm raising my C by forcing me to think more often. Need more thinking and self reflection, if not i am such a worthless idiot who was lucky enough to enjoy something precious called life. by law of conservation (inspired by the fantastic anime full metal alchemist), by gaining life, i MUST do good and bring fortune to others, as my name suggests (in chinese). so the lazy chap blogging now should do something about it, if not life should be taken away from him. don't you think so?

Thursday, December 16, 2004

mid dec

11th dec: back to normal life. after a stunning day at Ritz, i met up with rayner again. went cycling at east coast. enjoyed the breeze and he told me more about the job. as i cycled slowly, i felt that my body has slowly become accustomed to the bikes and it was easy pedalling. riding along the roads, it was nice thinking that i have great friends to cycle with, cycling companions, not for that matter: they are friends for life. We now have a name, though unofficial, but it's called TEAM NITROX, consisting of 10 people: charles, xun, rayner, junkai, amos, alvin, alson, ryan, aaron and me. the highest number of people we had cycling together was 7, and we aim to break it. i'm glad i took on cycling as i really find meaning in my life. it links me to many of the favourite things i like to do. cheap, keep fit, the logic and rationale to upkeep such a hobby is all present. really wonder the days before where i used to squander my money away on games... although i've made great buddies, but the amount of time and money wasted is incomparable. fortunately, sense has driven into my head and finally i've quit the addiction of lan gaming. perhaps i could have spent my time more meaningfully, but if i had done so, i wouldn't have become what i am today and have 2 great group of pals now. no point in looking back thinking that it could be changed, why not see the good part of what it has moulded me into? all actions will constitute yourself and how people perceive you to be, so live with it. why oppose the flow when you can follow nature's cycle fluidly? hmmz.. such philosophies just leaves me to ponder and i shouldn't say much with my lowly opinion. it will be endless, so let's just live and experience! =)

12th & 13th dec: went to dhouby ghaut in the afternoon just to see my bro perform! i don't really like church, but anyway, it's kaisheng's day and i'm here to support him =) at service, he was shaky initially, but when he got into the rhythm, everyone just worshipped according to his beat, and i could really sense his emotions when i close my eyes. such fiery passion, will i ever put faith into a religion?? well, after that, i met kumar at plaza sing and we walked all the way to HMV, passing by orchard plaza in which he brought me into. there was this automatic escalator which surprised me, cool sia! but he said it was a red light district kinda place, and yupz, the feeling i get was around there. we then walk back to plaza sing to eat with liane, kaisheng and their church friends. after that, he went home whereas i went to alvin's house to get ready for the job.
We went to 168 for coffee to keep us awake throughout the night, and we went NIGHT CYCLING AGAIN!! yay! so fun!! rayner, alson and i went cycling and took pics like lying on the road. we then went to eastcoast and cycled like we own the entire stretch of road. the peace of the night was definitely sweet to the ears and delightful to be in. at 4am, we cycled back to wake the rest up. 6 of us: rayner, amos, alvin, alson, ryan and me. rayner and i took the bike, and we raced down the streets of bedok throughout the night whereas the rest took a van. we watched alvin, alson and amos cleaning and it was rather dumb standing at one side doing nothing. but chasing the van sapped my energy and we didn't manage to keep up with them for some stops. although the job was rather cheapskate, but it was the fun that we were planning for and we sure did enjoyed it. after everything finished at 6.30am, rayner and i went back to his house first and the rest to alvin's house. i watched afew episodes of naruto before going down for a swim with everyone at bedok court's swimming pool. we played water polo for awhile and i had to leave for school. we sat in the sauna for 5mins before washing up. damn shiok, because haven't been into one for quite a long time. a pity there's no jacuzzi. heez =)
went to school for dance, but i slept on the sofa. oh, very malu! loL!~ everyone else dancing i sleeping. but anyway, kumar, liane, fifi and me went to TM to eat. i didn't makan because of insufficient funds and didn't join them for the movie too. I had to meet glenn, dar and xun at bugis which i eventually did after they went into the cinema. we met up at bras basar complex and sure did we have lots to talk about. haven't seen them for a very long time (to me that is) and we just chatted as we walked. glenn bought a guitar at $50, what a rip off! good for him though... after partially scouring the area of bugis, we all headed for home and no surprise that i died upon instant sight of my bed.

14th dec: went to school with the intention of doing homework and jamming when bored. but i only moved the pen for like less than 10 mins and was gyrating my wrist up and down most of the time. why couldn't it be the other way round? or am i just asking the obvious? loL!~ anyway, i met up with dar and glenn to go to queensway to accompany glenn to buy shoes and dar, socks. we walked for afew hours and glenn settled on a pair of adidas shoes and one $9 t-shirt whereas dar bought one formal long-sleeve shirt and one normal t-shirt. was envious of them buying at will as i didn't have money to splurge on myself. my excess money would usually go into gifts for others in exchange for their smiles. i don't dig self indulgence but i think smiles are worth 10 times more, hence i could only lay back in envy. =) well, we went to eat after that at a hawker centre and boy did i had a feast! laksa, mixed vegetable rice, peanut soup with balls and sugercane juice. we then took a long 1hr 196 bus ride to marine parade, where they both alighted, and i got down at bedok interchange and took the mrt home.

grad night!

let's continue...

7th dec: woke up early to take a bus but there was a traffic jam!! it was damn idiotic to wait for half an hour in the bus, but seeing the whole stretch, front and back, all filled with vehicles sort of like made me feel 'squashed' but yet a nice view. lol. it gave me time to think about stuff. heez. anyway, was late for training, but was excused, then played match with shihao and shangqi. damn tiring man, and i had to do 2.4 run too! after that, i rushed to the council room for council meeting, only to see jia, kumar, wanling, sufi, fei and qd there. after the meeting, wanling and sufi went off whereas zhen, nat and sush came with sony eriksson sponsors of paper bags. then the production line started, with fei opening the bags, me putting in skippy peanut butter and soupy snacks, and nat, zhen, sush and jia adding skincare and bathing stuff together with a souvenir calculator. kumar and qingde were doing MMM stuff in the council room, and soon after qd had to leave. mdm rohayati came to help us, and so did mariam and kurseth, but jia and fei had to leave. there were lotza fun stuff going on during that period of time, and you can view the pictures at
then it was damn tiring lah, carrying 467 bags of door gifts from the council room to the GO. everyone then left except for sush, nat and me. we cleared up, packing everything back into the council room. we then finalize wrapping the table gifts, and we three losing it due to weariness. loL!~ when i went home, still had to do orientation stuff till 3am with kumar! he was damn lame, crapping with me all the way but what's new? yup, koed after that. and btw, Happy Birthday Marcus!!

8th Dec: went to school to do some council work, but i left halfway to meet marcus at tampines. we had lunch at S-11 before we went to Swensens and i treated him to ice-cream, which left a big but contented hole in my pocket. it was his birthday the day before, so it was worth it! =) anyway, i went back to school to meet up with kumar, and we then went to his house with the intention of finishing our council work and play! but NOOOO, he had to show off his electric guitar, but indeed i was impressed, and we jammed the whole time. we didn't do work and instead were worrying about what to wear tomorrow. i'm dead lah, considering i DON'T HAVE any jeans nor black shirt, but i don't really care. he was then supposed to meet his sis at plaza singapura but after fifi said that we only needed to wear jeans, he left me to go home by myself, if not he would have followed me to pasir ris. thinking it was still early, amos called me up and asked me to drink tea with the biking gang and so i agreed. he informed me of this wonderful job where we get paid to play, that is to night cycle around bedok area and wash cars. my eyes sparkled in fascination and i wanted that job! okay, i have to admit they exaggerated and made it sound fantastic. i took another bus home, the 13th one i've taken this particular day! lol!~ bus concession pass rocks... slept early for the big day tomorrow!

9th & 10th dec: i woke up late, and thus decided to 'pon' squash. i came to school with the regulus designs of the banner and placard to hand it over to them. thanks yvonne for putting the stuff into mr yeow's locker! =) well, i moved all the remaining stuff to be brought to the prom in the council room down to the GO. after which i slacked and conveniently stunned an ice lemon tea and put it in the fridge in the pantry. oopz? heheh. then the lorry came and we, kaisheng, kumar, liane, kur and me, loaded the stuff onto it, and i boarded the lorry to stack everything. after that, we sat in madam rohayati's car and they stunned me by treating me to another stunned ice lemon tea, though it wasn't cold. it was kinda depressing when madam heard that we took the drinks from the GO, which originally belonged to her FRC (fund-raising club) as leftovers. after unloading the stuff at the loading bay at Ritz Carlton, i asked the manager for help. it came in no time, and soon, i made some new friends too. =) after moving everything into the ballroom, we went for a briefing by fifi and kur at the saloon. soon, we were all at work, with majority of the council doing the balloons while sush, nat and me did the setting up of gifts. the deejays came, then Ibrahim came, followed by the emcee, and lastly the band. i was slacking around and watching them rehearse while the rest bought their dinner and got changed. i skipped mine with the intention of stunning from the kitchen. loL!~ i then went up to the room and got changed, and i tell you, the view from the 24th storey was fabulous. the room was equally matched, yea, sure they are a 6-star hotel.
it was already 6pm and i went down to station myself for ushering. when the people started streaming in, they were all looking so glam and outstanding, totally unlike those we usually see in school. a feast for the eyes no doubt, but the trouble came when the event was about to start but the j2s were just so hyped up on taking countless number of photos. ushering them into the ballroom was definitely a difficult job. it resulted in the event being pushed back by half an hour even though there was a buffer lag time of 15mins given. the programme which followed proved to be rather a breeze, with an opening by our very own ibrahim's trademark michael jackson billy jean's dance. everything was going on smoothly UNTIL the band performed. the saddening part: half the world was outside taking pics, and the rest who are inside are ALSO taking pics. Amusing. but i thought the band did okay. hey, they took the trouble to came to perform for free ya know? perhaps that's what you get for free? hmmz...
right. then came lucky draw for top 10 prizes. OMG! i wanted to participate, attractive prizes leh! Good job Nat & Sush! it ended with arjay and felicia winning prom king and queen respectively. then it was PARTY TIME!! in came the deejays, who were sufi's cousins, and my good lord was he pro. the speed of his hands and the perfection of timing. excellent. no wonder he is being paid good money. most stayed back to party and take pics while afew left early. wanted to take pics with my j2 friends, but didn't get the opportunity to. haiz~ i'll make sure that next year i'll take all the pics in the world. haha =) thankfully, there was food for the councillors, and obviously i finished it all after they didn't want anymore. after that was packing up time, and sure it was late. kumar initiated to stay over at Ritz, i mean like when will you ever get a chance to stay over at Ritz Carlton for FREE? so i dialled home and my dad agreed, and i couldn't hide the elation inside me. furthermore, we had to move equipment back to school tomorrow, so all the more i have a reason to stay over. What the hell man! damn shiok lah!
the night started, and fifi, nat, kur, mar, kha, liane, fei, kumar and me went up to the room. the girls stayed to wash up before they left one by one. we were doing many dumb things there, i tell you, kumar was losing it man. the pics from the above link you've just saw on 7th dec would tell it all. for further details, you can also refer to kumar's blog at
after my bath, i was like totally refreshed and ready to be wild. looking out of the window, i saw the ECP and immediately a thought came to mind. let's go there and take pics!! problem is we didn't know how to get there. but i wanted to go out and go walk walk anyway. when do you get the chance to walk on the streets in the city at like 3-4am in the morning?? how cool is that? we first visited 7-11 and ate quite abit first and taking pics too. thanks kumar for treating me the food!! it was getting earlier into the morning and reaching the ECP was like totally far and ridiculus. i reluctantly scrapped the idea, but hey, i'm gonna do it some other day man! have to do it somehow, cheap thrills rock!~ =)
we went back and i koed on the bed, only to wake up to find kumar saying "we're dead, the lorry is here already" i quickly stood up, packed up, used the toilet and rushed down to meet the auntie. we then checked out, and went to get the band equipment from the saloon, and moved everything into the lorry. both of us had a free ride back to school, with ms ee and liane waiting there for us already. after moving back the equipment to the band room, we parted and i went home only to embrace my ever so precious bed.
wasted! the entire room in Ritz Carlton could have been wiped out by Kumar and me! it was perfect, a lorry waiting for us down at the loading bay. the councillors loved the bed, the couch, the TV etc. it would be splendid if we could have all these items in our council room yea? only that kumar had to hold me back before i continuing raving at all the stuff and using my magical powers to shift it to the council room in school. and the cleaner who is thinking of cleaning the room would go in STUNNED.that would be what i call a perfect STUN NIGHT! ms ee would have been STUNNED too. haiz~ next time perhaps?

early dec

let's continue...

1st & 2nd Dec: last minute changes... same as last year's end of year camp. too little participants; why aren't there any passion for scouting in these kids nowadays? to think i made the effort to plan for the camp, budget and everything, considering i'm the only venture around. so yupz, with this piece of information, probably that was why i woke up late at 11am. i then packed my stuff and headed for my secondary school, the place full of wonderful memories! =) Presently, 16th dec, xun and i are recalling the good old lower sec days... oh how we wish we are younger now and lead carefree lives, right xun? loL!~
Xy.......*sigh*.... says:
man it was good, everyone just do what they like
Xy.......*sigh*.... says:
2 years of honeymoon
Xy.......*sigh*.... says:
ah should have done more crap
Anyway, i reached school and greeted my sir. i was like the second biggest person around, and yar, it sure looked like it as i sauntered into the school. they had already built a kitchen shed, but i tell you, it was god damn pathetic! they didn't use it in the end, and their venture had to think of another way for them to do their outdoor cooking. great! it was rather saddening to see him not knowing how to cook even with a gas stove present!! omg, they are so lucky.. remembering my times, no such thing i tell you, but let's not disgress yea? haha. it ended up in only Danny cooking; the outcome: curry rice. imagine throwing cauliflower into a pot of chicken curry, that's new. but hey, they were lucky it tasted good! people out there, you guys can try cooking the cauliflower directly with the curry and chicken in the same pot.
Right. After that was evaluation, then i stunned some stuff from the den and brought it over to rayner's house. apparently, he went to simlim without informing me, so yeap, i took his GT after dropping my bag at his house and cycled leisurely to east coast. it was then when marilyn msged me and she happened to be at eastcoast. well, i offered to meet her at the beach, and cycled the entire stretch in the meantime. i was all sweaty and stuff because they were only afew people there and thus could accelerate freely. we then met and walked towards bedok jetty, but i wanted to watch the sunset, so we stopped halfway and sat down on the grass, enjoying the breeze and scenery. a pity the clouds were blocking, so i couldn't take pics of the sunset. but it's alright, there are still plenty of chances to take them =). after that, we walked all the way to her house, which was near 168, and then i cycled to the coffeeshop to wait for the biking gang. we watched the finals of singapore idol there with the television hung up there. yeap, taufiq won. =) it was farnie to see various reactions when the winner was announced. the people in the houses above the coffeeshop were like shouting "YES! Taufiq WON!" and people who were passing by the coffeeshop also commented out loud that taufiq won. hmmz, such enthusiasm, no wonder it was a clear winner.
Well, after that, it was NIGHT CYCLING TIME!!! WoooooottTT!! there were five of us: alvin, rayner, ryan, alson and me. we cycled the entire east coast, before continuing on the roads towards mountbatten, then turning back to the 7-11 between katong shopping centre and siglap. we took lotza photos man; there were mirror reflections, pumping in the middle of the road, doing bike stunts in the middle of the road, hogging the place outside the 7-11 and many more. to view them, you can visit
It was one hell of a fun day and i made sure i enjoyed it. loL!~ =) we then head back for alvin's and alson's house to nap. but ryan and i stayed up for 2 hours longer just to talk about stuff, and he was telling me quite afew things. yup. well, you guess it, we koed after that.
the next day, i met sini to talk to her about some stuff, then i met up with the biking gang again for lunch. i then followed rayner to sell his fork (bike suspension), then back to his house. Read the long ebriefing and orientation timeline sent by mr yeow before joining them in playing basketball at the CC opposite bedok court. i didn't play, and when they finished, i did some stupid things like i normally do with the basketball, ie. try to head the ball into the net, do stupid stunts, play like some mad person, oopz... did i say something? anyway, i went home soon after and just died on my sweet precious bed.

3rd dec: woke up relatively early just to go to school. right. had lunch with kumar at whitesands before rushing back to school to interview the canteen vendors for a indian muslim food stall. well, thanks Kumar for standing in for sush and zhen, if not i'll be doing it alone with mrs crossley (lovely...right)! it was quite fun interviewing them, although mrs crossley sat in, she did help me when i was speechless. oopz. haha. well, the pressure set in when it ultimately lies on me to decide on who gets the post! it was a pretty tough decision, and with great power comes great responsibility, oh my god! if the students are not satisfied with the food, i'll feel damn guilty *prays hard*. anyway, after that, i went cycling, yeap again. it seems like cycling has become a way for me to free me from all worries, but effects are temporary. miserable. then it was back to home again.

4th dec: met up with qingde, junxian and meijin to buy chengyao's present. we settled on a basketball worth $60.90 . being mathematically precise, i suggested a way of splitting it amongst 6 people. haha. they just had to say yes. =) saw maggie and caiyun working there, so good... people are earning money while i'm idling my time away, i really need some reflection man! but one sad thing occured, meijin's lost her hp. and evidence was that it was stolen. how nice people are these days eh? well, after hanging out with them, i proceeded to the singapore expo in hope of doing some christmas shopping. dashed. the robinson's sale was in hall 4, big and seemingly impressive, met yvonne wearing santa's hat at the cashier. things were just too expensive, it's just too bad that i can't afford it. that's what you get for being poor? but i'm living with it, contented with many good friends, cheap thrills. that's how my life goes. not able to experience the high end class of living life. but it's alright, money ain't that important after all. life still rocks for me!~ heez =) btw, happy birthday chengyao!! happy birthday qiaoying!!

5th dec: managed to slack at home for the day except when my mum dragged me to eastpoint to help her carry stuff. i'm really questioning myself, why am i idling precious time away? i feel like as if i'm doing nothing. wait a minute, i'm really doing nothing. haiz~ wake up stuck!

6th dec: oh yes! finally! the ability to slack at home for one full day! it feels damn good doing nothing man... heez. although i should be doing something practical eg. hw . but hey, i did something. i did some thinking. loL!~ but it was another day gone, and it draws nearer to school reopening. should really get started on the homework. muuusssttt doooo, no, stuck, you should slack while you can. hmmz, the conflicts between one's mind. interesting, seeing the evil stuck battling the angelic one (like it even exists). argh, so crap... loL!~ that's all for now lah, if not become too lame liao... cannot like this...heez, so chaoz. Happy birthday JIE!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

end of november

hey, it's been a long time. Too busy, too tired, too many things to say...

26th Nov: As usual, i had my squash training in the morning. Nothing special, nothing much happening, till my bro sms me to go his scouts bbq! OMG, what an opportunity man! can get to meet more people, how fun =) He was the organiser, he was the MAN! suyong, thanks bro for the invitation! Well, the bbq was quite normal, and i felt abit weird because i had to entertain his gf... loL!~ The dumb thing was that when i went there, he was just about to leave to fetch his gf. Reason: she doesn't know how to go to Greenview Sec. LAME! I could have fetched her as my bro told me she went from CGH to home to wait for him. I live just beside CGH and could have just brought her there right? Then both of us pengz together on the bus. But it was fun lah, he's a damn nice bro and superb to laugh with. Back at Greenview, suyong went to bring us food and also make sure the event was going well. I was talking to her and sometimes he would come and talk for awhile before his sir calls for him or something else happens. That's what you get for being 1st i/c i guess. It got late and she had to go home already, but he being a superb boyfriend wanted to send her home. Apparently, his sir didn't let him go, so i offered to send her home, which i eventually did. I then dropped by at Ralph's house at 11pm. Rather late yea? Wanted to stay longer but parents are calling, so the heart is willing yet thy heart is weak! Slacked at his house and really enjoyed my time there. He lent me comics and we talked all the way to midnight. It was then i had to go home unwillingly. How fortunate i am to have such fantastic pals! =) Happy birthday JIA!

27th Nov: Finally, it's a day where i could slack. Unfortunately, not for long =(... My parents dragged me to TM to go shopping with them! How nice, thinking i could sleep in. So i guess the rest was rather pointless, so i called rayner and we went cycling. I took Alson's red fiery cannondale and felt NORSY(N2O)!! Accelerating to a speed of 35km/h, an innocent cute looking kid suddenly turned out from the pedestrian's footpath and pedaled his tricycle directly towards me. Getting the shock of my life, I swerved away but the kid turned into the direction i turned as if he was blocking my way. I then made a sharper turn, and appeared to be heading towards a bush, thus steering back to path. But with the numerous sharp turns made, both the bike and me lost control and i skidded like some pro glider, suffering some minor injuries on my entire right leg. Jialat! Luckily, the bike was perfectly okay man! But i think i have a trauma already, the 2nd time i fell on a cannondale with a kid blocking my way. And i thought i could slack... heez. Happy birthday Fei!!

28th Nov: It was a fine day. Sundays were supposed to be for resting, but anyway, i went out with Cheryl to shop at Parkway and we had a hard time coming up with what to buy for qingde's present before finally deciding on a Levi's jeans. 7 people, $70, mathematically perfect for me. =) After that, we decided to go to the beach. At night, how cool the breeze was man! we just sat there in silence, watching the backwash of the waves, enjoying the night life at the beach. Until my phone rang, and Rayner asked me out to tea. We then left the beach and took bus 12. i met rayner at 168, our usual hangout, and we drank tea and talked cork. He told me a story; he always has endless of stories to tell, which consistently streams in daily. it was late and i had to go back. sad, but inevitable. till next time folks!

29th nov: had squash in the morning even though i had an injured leg. continue training... hell yea... went back home to bathe, rest for awhile, before taking a long 14 bus ride to orchard. Met up with junxian and qingde and presented him with our present!! *flourish* Happy Birthday Qingde!! We met up with jorcelyn before spending the entire night walking through the streets of orchard, a considerably remarkable feat for me as i detest such crowded places. at 9pm, we had our dinner and i was famished. And i ate a large plate of hokkien mee, shared a extra large plate of char tao kuay with qingde and finished it off with ice kachang. A pity i didn't bring enough money, if not all the stalls would have closed early for the night. we went to meet up with meijin and cheryl as they have finished their cip, and we went home together. Quite fun i would say =)

30th nov: squash again, but i have been like leaving half of the trainings i've attended halfway due to council stuff. how saddening! can't train myself to be in the school team. haiz~ anyway, i spoke to mrs crossley with guan zhen and sush regarding the canteen vendor stuff. shortly after, i went to hongwei's house to slack, after which i went to rayner's house to slack. slack slack slack slack slack. what's new? hmmz... i wonder