Saturday, April 15, 2006

in the western part of singapore

yet another blink of an eye and a month flew past. the first 2 weeks of the tri-service term was testing, and sierra platoon 2 section 3 shared a bond forged similiarly like the different batches over the years. the confidence jump, an air time unlike others which distort the perception of time. cassevac revealed true emotions, strength and determination, and it was done after 2 whole days of section navigation. inside the chemical defence room was another experience altogether, the choking feeling has been etched in my memory. the coolest, funkiest section ever i would say, and how unwillingly the soul bellowed when i had to leave for mids wing. entering an entirely new environment, with an aching in my heart, settling down was not easy. however, adaptability came naturally as we endured late nights, with the 3 week confinement coming to an end with a turn out cum tekan initiation finale. although it was nothing compared to days in sierra, it certainly did mean a little and contributes to building our bonding in mids wing. combined with our first sea expedition, there is definitely something hanging in the air, only leaving a personal barrier to cross. times are not as physically challenging, but mental strength is constantly tested and i hope to persevere and excel. to others, the officer's creed and song might be just the mouthing of the words, but it really made sense during the cassevac. "i will make the officers creed rightfully mine" and with this, i stay true to myself as we now take another step towards officership. to ian, damien, xumao, leslie, almerick, tiongsoon, richard, daniel, benjamin, boh wee, wanling and elaine, i'll miss ya guys! and to wolf: niki, james, kenny, darren, karl, shing ee, koong jiunn, shi yang, you cai, andrew and josephine, i'll do my best and let's enjoy our life in mids wing and pass out together as one!


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