Saturday, November 04, 2006


yet another blink of the eye, what's left is a 10m jump and endless parade rehearsals. as we can smell it, i still hesistate. finex for comex, sorties, cap and written tests heave a sigh of relief. finished ah! my goddess season 2, now watching jigoku shoujo. at home, when there's nothing to research for, i seem to have triple more time to do anything and now i'm writting to kill time. anyway, if only i was closer to my ex buddy, i know we can click as we share similiar interests; the talk on the bus back to ocs after comex was good. now the juniors are taking their A levels, all the best to you guys! =) how nice it is to cycle without worries and enjoy the breeze at bedok jetty. well, i'm going to miss MIDS life... ....


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