Saturday, September 09, 2006


what an experience! time, lost track of my senses. there were presentations, vomit bags, magestic views, freezing night, granduier malls, nursing, confined cubicles, bridgewatch, classroom, observations, practicals, publications, rolling and yawing, strong winds, good food, navigation, astronomy, kite flying, lessons re-learnt, charts, manual labour, washing, cleaning, first time experience, splurging, interacting, fighting monsters, speeches, ascending and descending, safety and security, displinary issues, crossing the line, station tests, laughters, frustration, bonding and finally back home. what more can i divulge?

thanks dey for your time, presence and opinion. ord for you lor!
philosophy still lingers... surprisingly. interesting is when the world coincidentally collaborates to prove its point.


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