Sunday, December 18, 2005

a tribute

tuesday 20th dec 2005; 2.32am

AF (atavistic fury/animal farm):
AF.Chinchilla (ryan):
your proficiency in the english language is what impresses me. yes, your precision for things, like spelling, punctuation and timing, you've got them right. =) your inquisitiveness, practise for perfection and leadership (in war3) are what makes you unique. i will always remember the times i've been to your house to study/war3/play with your piano/chinchilla. rock on dude!
AF.Squirrel (dan ho):
shuai ge! you're the man! heh.. one snap of his fingers, all the pretty girls come flocking to him with his baby face. he's cool, IT savvy, and a great friend. can talk alot with him as he's rather knowledgable. will always remember the times we've lan, sleepover, pool! this is what i call my hao xiong di, my good buddy. =)
AF.Swaku (jin):
exactly as his nick suggests, this guy is my great friend who digs the same puns and jokes we both crack. the similiar trait of us both is that we can't live without bargains, and our dressing suits our personality, not the trend. your laughs makes my day, and i'm sorry for making fun of you at times, but you'll know i'm just kidding. anyway, thanks dude! will always the times we chat/lan/sleepover/pool.
what can i say man? close friends since sec 1, and knew each other through the lame game CS, which we are still playing, but last time we play until our money fly away. 6 years man.. we've had our ups and downs, been to your house like 689027854 times, done many things together. it'll be great if we were to enter the same university, and carry on to be friends for life. what will i do without you? heh (sounds gay, yeah, but it's a happy thing)
6 years too, is a long time. we've been teammates, and those were the great times. you've been the cool, tall, handsome and great guy all along, so stay nice. talented and sporty as you are, the sense of humour is just perfect, like an icing to a cake. heh.. thanks for being my friend and playing a great part in my life, let's just keep going out till i kick the bucket. =)
my scouting bro, one guy who has endured good shit and bad shit together with me for 4 years. also, we cycle together, although he's gosu and always a mile ahead when we're racing. now that you got a girlfriend, don't forget me, the great scouting times as well as lower sec times. it's great fun to remember those carefree days, and the silly things that we would do together. heh
a quiet guy to start with, but an interesting guy to talk to. a must to get to know this guy better, one cool guy to hang out with. he's a pure lefty, full of creativity, and likes to play soccer. next time let's jam together when you're free eh? got girlfriend must tell me! lol
big daddy's in town! always with a cool usage of english, cracking up some weird humour which never fails to make me laugh. his general knowledge is wide, just like his size. =X haha! now into akido, which is a rather cool sport. i go learn muay thai, then we shall spar sometime soon eh? dhal or murukku please? thank you
weren't classmates with ya, but got closer with ya at the sec3 leadership camp. somehow, we'll always go movie together in our big group, and dinner/dota together, completing the ring of . have fun, and all the best in your life =)

FRC (fund-raising committee)
our leader cum my fellow council mate. not close to you there, but you did a great job in frc. your generosity is well-liked, and a nice person to talk to. your area of expertise is technical, and that's cool. i'll miss the good times we've worked together and the sleepover.
this pretty girl has big sparkling eyes, and is a joy to talk to. we can rattle on totally pointless stuff, and she loves the beach like i do. pasir ris park is awesome, because few people visit it. but sometimes quite lame, keep on saying i smart. lol... people stupid can? =)
this guy is rather quiet, but it's interesting to meet him for most of the days on my journey to school as we take the same train. also, a very enthusiatic guy, who doesn't show it, as he still goes back to help npcc! this guy is also very helpful, so rock on dude! =)
same interests in anime, and has the ability to crap with me. a rather daring and enthu person too, and its a pity we didn't get to know each other better in tms/mjc. well, i believe you're one thoughtful guy, so continue being yourself! =)
wah, this cute little girl is quite nice to be around with. she is quite pro in running, shooting, and she can fish! loves the beach too, and a great friend to have. jia you in everything you do!
although don't interact with ya much, but the sporty image of you is quite prominent. don't play play with her around =)
eh bro, why is it that everytime is me talking and you laughing? an interesting personality with brains to go with. all the best to your becoming of a pilot.. heh

obs (outward bound school)
alamak! mangkok! my squash captain, pro sia. he has the beng look, but actually a very fun guy to be with. ke-de-pap, ke-de-poop, and he does something funny. king of ole, tall, handsome, buay tahan sia! quite a reserved guy, but a darn good buddy. will always remember the cool times during squash, obs and post-prom. heh
darling, everytime so intimate with me, i will miss it leh! =P an independent guy, with a broad relationship experience, and another tall freak. dance president you know, can easily toss you into the air. take good care of yourself hor *winks*
omg, another ultra lame freak. a pro in talking cork, and he everytime go gym work out, want to act hunk only... lol! bro, don't bet too much soccer lah, gambling not so good

ZH (hongwei):
omg! it's byakuya! everytime so pro, and so kind, nice, helpful blaa blaa.. (all the good qualities) everytime go his house de, until become familiar with his parents, his com and his fridge! bwahahahah. he started the usage of !, which soon became our greeting. heh.. thanks for being a wonderful friend for 6 years! so long sia... anyway, my dota teacher! next time i think i still go your house watch anime =)

all of you guys are special in my eyes, and treasure you is what i will do, as you are what makes my world all so colourful. =) thank you!

the week closes

sunday 18th dec 2005; 10:38pm

monday 12th dec: it was a late birthday treat. who ask marcus to be SO busy... lol, well hope you did enjoy it man! =) went for dinner at parkway with a primary school friend, and go east coast park walk walk. yeah, needed to just enjoy the breeze, and guess who i saw? my darling sutris with his darling there, so romantic! wahahah. way to go bro

the next day saw 4 obs friends meeting at dhouby ghaut for lunch. then we went to minds' cafe, an interesting place (to me at least). well, the company was fun but not exactly appropriate, but we had a good time anyway. then headed down to katong to meet dar and zzy for lan. it was actually to pass time and wait for 7.30pm, where i gave tuition on calculus to my father's friend. 1 hour seemed to pass so quickly, with this like a seemingly easy job to me. he then offered to drive me home, and stuffed $30 into my hands. i wasn't suppose to accept it but yeah, you know how you can't reject someone especially when he's much older than you and in the middle of the road in your carpark about to drive off. good money, and i like it =)

was supposed to go dar's house and do gym, but there was this new ruling where outsiders can't use the gym, so it was a rather wasted trip. oh well, his place was a pitstop before i adjourned to marina bay to have steamboat with frc people, so it was alright. as usual, i was the earlybird slacker. when we walked towards the bus stop, there were people touting and i was like "oh well". they persisted but didn't really get on my nerve, so qingde held a "meeting" while i squated down and hecked care. so we had free transport and we dined there heartily playing afew games here and there. such pot-luck rocks, and i look forward to more of such outings! =) thanks chengyao for buying drinks from ntuc so that we no need to spend a bomb on the drinks that they sell. as usual, i gorged myself and overate, thus felt like vomitting, but i had to make my $10 worth the while. heh

on thursday morning, went to mandai crematorium to pick bones and get involved in some family matters. interesting that the place was so serene, and i got to see president wee kim wee =) then, went to jin's house with AF for teh stayover. these guys, yeah, are fantastic. we played mahjong and bridge till 4am, with many a conspiracy going on. temperaments tested, but we had fun in the end. GG guys! =) went for lan the next day, together with zzy, dar, andy and kohji. we 4v4 dota on lan, and it was exciting. though my 100% dota win streak came to an end, it was gg too. =) the good old 4v4 matchups, though there are no games available, i will remember them, but not as much i will remember you guys.

saturday was the day my teeth felt so clean and whiter than ever. yes, it was costly. went to hongwei's house for bleach, yakitate and chicken little. thanks man! yet, another week has gone, and i haven't done any excercise. haiz~ and interesting to see weiding out his 2 weeks in tekong. jia you! i'll be seeing you there soon. heh =)

Sunday, December 11, 2005

stuck outdoors

sunday 11 dec 2005; 11.28pm

on tuesday 6th dec, i come upon the best-priced drink in the whole wide world! the uber big drinking cup can quench your thirst and hunger for only $1!!! wth? cool eh? come to bedok interchange and try it. heh

the meeting of old classmates took place the next day. it was a welcome dinner at lemongrass restaurant in the heeren for jonathon david teo hian beng! =) a pity you've to come back all the way from australia just to serve ns. heh! enjoy your 2 years here dude!

lan for the next two consecutive days drained all my money away... but the guys rock! zhiyang with his stories from france and darren with his adventures in changmai, thailand. plain talking with ya guys including andy just makes my day =)

sent szeteng off at the airport, hope you'll enjoy your 2 months in australia girl! =)

finally read finish War of the Ancients: The Well of Eternity (book 1). thanks zhiyang, for lending me the book for like erm 1 year? lol... Richard A. Knaak is totally awesome, i like your style of writing man. cool! =) looking forward to book 2... heh

had the opportunity to test out my jeans before entering army. yes, this is one day where you'd find stuck wearing jeans. not because i want to wear it though, only due to the fact of my mum's nagging for a more appropriate wear rather than 3/4ers and slippers. but it was all worth the while, the buffet at some high class restaurant at raffles place answered my silent prayers for good food in singapore. 7 rounds for me just ain't enough, however the stomach couldn't take it any further. thanks uncle donald for the splendid treat! =)

today.. arh yes! finally, cycling again! went to east coast park to turn out disappointed due to the crowd. couldn't cycle at normal speed, and it felt like crawling. when i returned to "walking", while having to swerve past some girl bikers, my friend, who wasn't really enthusiastic, lagged behind only to have me wait for him. and when he did come, he told me that the girls called me hao lian. i was like WTH?!? i was ahead in the journey most of the time, only to slow down and wait for my friend. well i can't help it when i pedal slowly! anyway, went to simone's house to meet alvin, amos, ryan and simone to whom i've lent my mahjong tiles to. although no money is involved, they are addicted to the game. don't forget to bath hor! well, i went on cycling myself home and the journey was smooth as i chased bus 10 from katong to temasek sec. cycled to jetty and back, but i didn't feel like a thorough workout. need to exercise real soon... weakness is something army wouldn't endure.

Monday, December 05, 2005

dresses and cards

tues 6th dec 2005 2:46am

finished the "no entry" show at kumar's house, and after we jammed abit, his father drove us to the fullerton for our prom...

we have many men in black, and i was like so slack but that was alright because i like it =) carrying a pouch seemed awkward, but there were many stuff which i stuffed into it. heh. everyone didn't go in yet, as only kumar, fir and me owned the cocktail reception area, finishing the nuts at one table. when people started streaming in, then the mad flashes begin. blinded so many times, we proceeded in to the ballroom to our table. seating arrangement was GG, but it became a passing hindrance. first up was cold dish, followed by sharks fin soup, chicken, scallop, good fish, brocolli, noodles and sago as desert. the emcee was good but rather crude, all in the name sake of fun. so most people looked their best, with changes that makes people unrecognizable. yes, this would be the change; a turning point, at which where we venture will be scattered all over. travelled all over the place to meet with friends, but the possibility of capturing shots with everyone i knew was impossible. overall, entertainment was fun, and prom king and queen were sharul and josephine respectively. congrates! =)

we then concluded with half the people on the dance floor, and the other half outside taking more pictures. i followed qingde up to a room to check out how it looks like, and i made history repeat itself when i was STUNNED ALONG THE CORRIDORS yet again!! oh well, i met up with eng, and followed shawn, diana and muralee to shawn and diana's room at the oriental. then they 3 left for orchard swensen's while eng and i went to a nearby roadstall for prata. however, that was the biggest mistake! the prata is the most GROTESQUE thing on this earth, imagine 2 pieces of burnt dough dipped in curry which has more of spice than of flavour. GG! with the drink shop closed, we adjourned to the oriental's restroom to drink toilet water. thereafter, we sat down at the sofa at the lobby. it wasn't any ordinary sofa, it was SLANTING with cushion, extraordinary! so we just stoned there for half an hour till 4am, before walking to Plaza Singapura. so we had a pit stop at the MacDonalds there, where we met other mjcians. i lent them my playing cards, while eng and i went to slack outside the MRT station. doing stupid things in the middle of night, we just talked cork and looked at pictures, taking them too. due to the bad lighting, most pictures didn't materialise. wasted =(

we went to Mac yet again, this time for breakfast: sausage mcmuffin. we then took the first train home, but instead of expecting nobdy, there was a crowd for such an unearthly hour. how weird! thanks eng! you rock =) thanks to all those who have taken a picture with me =)

Saturday, December 03, 2005

have you ever

have you ever?

Make bold those that you have done!

Graduated High School.
Kissed someone.
Smoked cigarettes.
Made out with someone of the opposite sex.
Got so drunk you passed out.
Rode every ride at an amusement park.
Collected something really stupid.
Gone to a rock concert.
Helped someone.
Gone fishing.
Spun turn tables.
Watched four movies in one night.
Gone long periods of time with out sleep.
Lied to someone.
Been dumped.
Snorted cocaine.
Failed a class.
Dealt drugs.
Taken a college level course.
Been in a car accident.
Been in a tornado.
Done hard drugs.
Watched someone die.
Been to a funeral.
Burned yourself.
Ran a marathon.
Had an eating disorder.
Your parents got divorced.
Cried yourself to sleep.
Spent over $200 in one day.
Flown on a plane.
Cheated on someone.
Been cheated on.
Written a 10 page letter.
Gone skiing.
Been sailing.
Cut yourself.
Had a best friend.
Lost someone you loved.
Shoplifted something.
Been to jail.
Had detention.
Skipped school.
Got in trouble for something you didn't do.
Stolen books from the library.
Gone to a different country.
Dropped out of school.
Been in a mental hospital.
Watched the "Harry Potter" movies.
Had an online diary.
Fired a gun.
Gambled in a casino.
Had a yardsale.
And a lemonde stand.
Actually made money at the lemonade stand.
Been in a school play.
Been fired from a job.
Taken a lie detector test.
Swam with dolphins.
Gone to seaworld.
Attempted suicide.
Voted for American/Australian/Pop Idol.
Written poetry.
Read more than 20 books a year.
Gone to Europe.
Loved someone you couldn't have.
Wondered about your sexuality.
Used a coloring book over age 12.
Had surgery.
Had stitches.
Taken a taxi.
Seen the Washington Monument.
Had more than 5 IM's/online conversations going at once.
Had a drug or alcohol problem.
Been in a fist fight.
Suffered any form of abuse.
Had a hamster.
Pet a wild animal.
Used a credit card.
Gone surfing in California.
Did "spirit day" at school.
Dyed your hair.
Got a tattoo.
Had something pierced.
Got straight A's.
Been on the Honor Roll.
Your parents sent you to a shrink.
Been handcuffed.
Known someone with HIV or AIDS.
Taken pictures with a webcam.
Started a fire.
Had a party while your parents weren't home.
Gotten caught having a party while they were gone.
Done surveys like this to pass the time.

Friday, December 02, 2005

the halo of the dollar bill

yakitate japan is teh rOxOrz! =) pierrot with his own set of reactions: hakusai, hakusai, hakusai, yakusai! hidou, hidou, kibou... the monaco cup is really exciting!

cycled to szeteng's condo from rayner's house, going through eastcoast park. took 30minutes, that's like so long lah. i'm deteriorating. had our first s101 class bbq, and the rain separated the bridge gang and the photo crazy gang. i wasn't in the photos, but bridge could never have been more fun than this =) GG edwin,andrew and weiding! then had to hit the road under the rainy conditions, getting dirt and water splattered all over my clothes and body. so went to rayner's house to bathe, and it turned out i had cleaned his bike by my speed under such a weather. unfortunately, my slippers broke due to the friction and speed i guess =( anyway, catched the last bus home, and this rocks because it feels like the bus driver is sending me home as it only stopped once to ferry another passenger, and the next time it stopped was when i alighted =)

went to tampines and parkway to check out the prices and designs with khenglong on wed. it seemed that our budgets could not be satisfied as we walked unsuccessfully for afew hours. well, he left for home and i went to meet rayner, amos, ryan and junkai as they were going to play pool. watched naruto on junkai's pda, as he is trying to convert it into a psp. that would be uber cool! =)

i finally had the opportunity to go out with AF, although 1 elite member (teh squirrel) is missing. we laddered like old times, and reached level 10 on lordaeron. ate our usual chicken cutlet, and went to parkway for our ice-cream treat from ryan which was a result of SKYCN winning WC:TFT 1v1 WCG2005 using humans. went to jin's house thereafter and i performed afew magic tricks. it was rather successful =) heh.. and his mother made coffeeboy, a version similiar to that of rotiboy, and it tasted great. made me think of azuma kazuma, and wonder whether singapore will have its own unique bread like what azuma is trying to create: his japan bread.

met khenglong again on friday with the determination of really purchasing our shirts. so off we were at the johnlittle mega sale at the singapore expo, and wOOt! cheap sales everywhere! so we proceeded to get our shirts in high hopes and we weren't disappointed. i got a jeans for $19 too, since i was underbudget for prom: $30, spending only $18. so i used my POSB card to pay, and two happy boys left the expo for bedok for lunch after 2 hours. wanted to spend more, but i realised that i wouldn't use much of what i buy due to my enlistment, and if i wasn't going to army, there's no way i'm going to get jeans! so it was a good buy =) got my new grey slippers at bedok at $3.90! how can i live without bargains? then went to hongwei's house for more of yakitate, then met rayner to cycle to bedok for his bike deal. i then chiong to bedok jetty in what seemed like eons since i was last there, and watched the night sky being lighted once every 8 seconds with the flashes of lightning. AWESOME! sadly, at the first sign of a raindrop, i raced all the way back to rayner's house in record time.

oh well, i'm so thankful for the various bunch of friends for being there and i hope that we'll slack together this lifetime! thanks, AF, MRA and biking gang. also, special thanks to HONGWEI!~ =) *very very very broke now*

saturday 3rd december 2005; 3.56pm