Sunday, September 25, 2005


the pinnacle of the fun element disappointly etches away from the clutches of what lies beyond. the memories within seems to detoriate, as the natural outburst of precise ease movement meets with the hesitation of the mind. not that the mind is unsettled, the worrying anticipation overwrites, sending messages through nerves which caused forgetfulness. forget the fingers, the single opening meant for the holy transition of ideas tends to shoot off too, thus forgeting its roots. backtracking a whole lot, it boils down to the question of purpose and existance. but i would like to emphasize a trait, where i may boldy comment, that people do cast aside in their brain. the basis of things - not mathematics for that matter, but it aids one's understanding, connecting the numerous equations with what is said to be life forms. solving such tedious and ostensibly impossible task would definitely not take an hour or two; go figure. so the beautiful geometry of being wholesome comes back to haunt people as the vicious cycle, for which i have gone in literal circles explaining. =) knowledge is taken for granted, and is often overlooked even the simplest of things. i'll be anal and give a total-idiot example, why 1 + 1 = 2? oh yes, the classic of one rain drop plus one rain drop gives a bigger raindrop. funny, but we were talking about the qualitative analysis of the figures. this is the basics, and basically gets tougher and goes unseen, not saying i'm being extremely sourly acidic nor basic here. how interesting is the play of words yea?

the capacity of what a human can take is unfortunately one-tenth its durability, and if we can exceed so, there's no way that nobel prize wouldn't be sitting on our desktop. the course of nature: arh, what a delicate topic! so the whole ideas on purpose kicks in, creating words like signifance, existance and what not. people, born in environments which are not similar, will attain various perspective. to consider all is only impossible, which is why words like madness and shock arises. since we're on the topic, i'll drift away abit to comment on prelims. so i've been hearing people pwning the papers, while i dare not give comments. i've learnt my lesson on the danger of careless mistakes. cruel as it is, it does give unexpected remarks and expressions. wouldn't it be better if i'd say i do lousy and pursue a lower hope and exceed expectation rather than vice versa? sure, to satisfy and stroke the egos of others, one would bend and curve upon other's arrival, but the end will show. =) coming back, the innate abilities which ourselves don't know could surface at different parts of our lives or never at all. so intricately structured, the human being is a masterpiece. people who throw away self-worth would not know the gift, as potential is a highly controversial term. the self, with the aid of imagination, begins to wander/(o) and experiences conjured images, feelings and impressions. such is what human beings will go through undoubtedly, hence we call it life. =)


Blogger Jim Wilson said...

Sony debuts Vaio FJ in red and blue
Sony's Vaio FJ in basic black and white not doing it for you? Then check out the red and blue versions, which Sony will ship in at least some markets early next year.

Jerry Wilson
Editor & Producer
Vegas Buzz News / Radio

1:29 PM  

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