Sunday, September 04, 2005


tomorrow would be the beginning of the end, hence i would like to warm up in my expression.

life, as it seems, have to have its ups and downs. the many encounters will prove to shape and mould us into the present, which is a rather nice gift bestowed upon us. adversities and tumultous times are dreaded, i beg to differ and even welcome them. the emotional rollercoaster is one wild ride i would never give a miss for. however, in the recent months, where times are supposed to be fateful and telling, i happen to enjoy life more than other times. visits to east coast have become more frequent, not to relieve stress, but to have my fair share of life. it may not be fair to myself, but fact is i choose not to study and balance out by relaxing. give and take i do not, as the results will show. a healthy lifestyle would be better, so people, slack. there's still so much time, fret not and do not shove yourselves to a corner. the results will definitely automatically get better, i assure.

farewell my friends, as we adjourn to paradise. consider the worth of the papers, so little yet so much.


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