Thursday, July 14, 2005

a year older (contd)

a string of cycles past for the past few days, followed by the flow of coin stashes. but it doesn't matter to me at the least, for satisfaction is priceless, unlike 'du lan', coming in plates of $5 and $10. lol -.-" oh well, i'm being bashed passively every single schooling day, but surprisingly not by the books. =)

monday, brandon intro-ed rave after the short jog at a relatively nice environment. taught him how to enjoy the clouds as the figment runs wild, pushing fatigue aside as it could also be a good time for sheer pondering of affairs of the world. finding the appropriate timing for avoiding distractions and interuptions, but the company with me produce inversely proportional results to the effort made. gay. so when the big guys with dada, aaad are my good friends, naturally i would follow suit. its not their fault, i just refuse to study, and i will get inversely proportional results. i just didn't have the seed due to weariness and lack of inspiration, but its time to attain it. philosophy founded science, but sadly there is no link whatsoever in my expanding knowledge. logic? yea, it's the final stretch, so long as i pace myself, the shadows will soon be overlapped.

so people talked about reflections and resolutions, and i look back at the midyears. one particular word vanished from my dictionary, as i had a holiday, but not a deserved rest. the price to pay came punctually as i looked up to the clouds yet again. that few white pieces of paper thrashed me and pwned my confidence. but i controlled the mood, still displaying a wide contentment as we took dinner yet to east coast. as i brought them to bedok jetty, the fire burnt fervently as the calmness of the sea showed reflection. the moon was cheeky, us dreamy, wind gently... the silence wasn't the killer, it was savoured with minds of varying angles of thoughts. my perfect vision is to find a company with millions of words to say but yet not moving the mouth, just that would do. fantastic... as the stress seemingly piles up, people feel it with me simply brushing it aside with a light flick, good luck to all ya guys out there! =) the sophisticated side is in stealth, but it never fails to bring me afew surprises. heh


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