Saturday, July 09, 2005

why are you like that?

3 days MIA and he's gone... oh man, i'll miss bala. the good ol' times we spent sitting on the 3rd floor benches bill-shutting, and he telling his life stories. darn... the new cleaners aren't that friendly and crappy as him. haiz ~ oh well... at least the mood for studying is regaining momentum, and i hope there will be no impulse. gay lah, Fmaths = BF, faggotronics! =D

happened to see muz and kamal lepaking outside east point, then go chit chat with them, reliving the mud times... minum, rokok, no mina! nolah, abstinence. but they are still as comical as ever =)

the concept on fixtation will be the highlight of this entry. read on...

*situation 1 (on bus38 11pm): group of guys sitting right at the back, conferencing over their hp with a girl.* their exact words, "how can like that one?" obviously broken english, but their train of thought should be something along the lines of "why do you behave in a way that is not pleasant in my eyes?". then, in my semi-conscious semblance, i found out that this 'great' guy has waited for the girl for 7 months faithfully, and now she doesn't give him a chance despite promising that she would. they pleaded, and his friends interceded. it seem that they were desperate of helping him to the point of coercing the girl. nevertheless, many problems posed as obstacles such as o levels or what not. finally, it sounded like she agreed and the guy heaved a huge sigh of relief after hanging up their phones. 4 guys, 2 talking, 2 contributing. conversing loudly, yes. intentionally overhearing, no. you get the idea... they disrupted my solemn state of cogitating mind, but yet gave new insight. let's say its the believed so called 'laws of conservation' (extracted from full metal alchemist).

okay, the key point is as mentioned in the first line. the variations of "how can you like that" is commonly heard in daily life. it saddens me to see that people actually expect others or things to behave the way they want to. absurd? yet this fallacy we commit. well, as we look back into the history of philosophy, this misconception is somewhat mentioned by plato, when he was elaborating on his 'theory of ideas'. in simple terms, it is what we modern age people call classification. well, as a good philosopher, i'm not saying that it is wrong to cite such a remark, but it is interesting how humans have evolved over time to become a self creature. perhaps this phenomena is only happening in our era, but its idea is tantamount to living in one's own world. i'm certain it'll be cool if people were to do your bidding or act to your liking, wouldn't it? however, each individual comes up with different expectations, and it becomes reality. heh.

this is also somewhat related to acceptability. similiar to what my chemistry teacher quotes, "three-quarters of the cohort thinks that benzene ring is electron withdrawing, but in actual fact, it is not so". how then do we obtain these facts? i'm sure you would agree that it is by common sense, logic and human reasoning. the truth that some people don't get it is because they are not as intellectually capable, or so the excuses people give. i beg to differ, because how do we know whether this hard core fact is 'the concept of truth' (ie. it is really the case) when we do not even know whether our human reasoning is correct. does that mean we all agree that 1 + 1 = 2, that means it is truly the case? okay, perhaps its not a good example. well, consider a stone falling from a particular height to the ground. if the laws of nature is defied, and it suddenly floats, will we then be all taken aback in wonder or disbelief? so philosophers are on a continual lookout for all possibilities. i have made my point that thus so far that earth has existed, the rock from that particular height will always fall to the ground. that we call the concept of the laws of nature, where a case in which the opposite has never happened. but when it does, we now call it the concept of miracles, which brings me to my next point. such an occurence could be possible in the first place, only that people didn't know (ie. ignorant). so they are stunned and because of their ego, they refuse to accept it and thus forming the concept of miracle, where they still stand up for their beliefs and retain their pride. notice that the concept of the laws of nature is created by the human. =)


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