Tuesday, June 21, 2005

a journey back: "Think"

written: 18th june 2005, 12.45am, some place in malacca

Like Yakitate Japan!, a philosopher should not use the word common sense. it speaks alot about that person. To break away from the norm and formulate concepts, or just pure thinking -- to answer his own questions. its intruguing to see great philosophers like Kant, Hume, Locke and Berkely form their own philosophies when what they preach is the degree of sensual perception that humans possess. perhaps they might have overlooked one thing, following their theories, that is humans too vary in thinking, and what they perceive may not be what others see. i'm not denegrating humans or whatsoever but isn't it funny to have philosophers ponder sophisticated life concepts which nobody bothers about in the first place? they even threw in the concept of religion, and can't even proved that a God or immortal being exists. sure, they talk about faith, but it is only a concept proposed by humans. well, i would have to agree with Descartes that thoughts are brought forward by ancestors and we do not question them. Doubt. call me dumb, but let's make one thing clear, i'm not paying any disrespect to any religion, so please no offence taken yea?

A classic example to start with is the unconscious life in a '24-hour day'. minutes, seconds, even nano-seconds are what men have perceive time to be. as a child, we know nothing about time and we unknowningly accept that fact. time is only an idea which is passed on, even misconceived terms like 'rising sun' are still in use although it has been proven that the earth, and not the sun, is which that rotates around earth. but then again, it is language, the first of my concerns which aroused my interest to philosophy, is only but a form of expression. the important idea is the communication, to pass the message of words which convey the idea of one person's mind. effective, maybe, but there are miscommunications which arise. why so? i have no idea, is language then useless? perhaps that is why i dream of the language of the world. what is true philosophy then? even now, i find that words are so mystical, and i'm grateful of it. a simple thought: interchange the words of 'good' and 'bad' and imagine people conversing in that manner. is that truly what they mean? do you still get the same message? i wonder....

so pardon me please. if you think i'm uttering rubberish, by all means. but i do hope that people do stop and think about such worldly affairs, especially the simple things. everything requires thinking, and i believe there is no such thing as a no brainer. however, i can't control nor coerce you all to think. like a hypothesis, even something which cannot be disproven by reason does not mean that it is for real. we do not know. the reason i'm doubting things is similar to that of Descartes, he said, " when we dream, we feel we are experiencing reality. what separates our waking feelings from our dream feelings? when i consider this carefully, i find not a single property which with certainty separates the waking state from the dream, how can you be certain that your whole life is not a dream?" this reminded me of the Truman show. haha... =)perhaps Descartes is a mathematician cum philosopher which sort of resembles me, however he did earn my respect. "Cogito, ergo sum", these famous words do mean alot to him and every single person out there too.

have gone into a retreat in the suburbs to experience a simple lifesetyle and better my knowledge of the history of philosophy... ...


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