Monday, March 24, 2008

vantage point

its been a while... ... =)
well, recently watched vantage point, a great holy shit awesome movie. come to think of it, haven't really watched a good movie for ages, so it came as a pleasant surprise. fantastic video filming, great variety of perspective displayed and truly, a masterpiece. coupled with great company, and a sumptuous supper thereafter, it was a great night. been awhile since i've really enjoyed myself, and all it takes is just a simple movie and supper.

mid terms are finally over and it's time to buck up. slacked way too much, and screwed things up. also, subjects are getting darn difficult with an extremely steep learning curve. hum jiao lor!

perhaps the stars aren't aligned so i happen to meet with alot of stupid injuries. as a result, haven't exercised in a while. fat boy! =( really hum jiao!

finished Kamen Rider Faiz series and its movie! extremely cool stuff, and it actually has a story and not as lame as hibiki. thanks bro for intro! now watching tengen toppa gurren lagann...

recently got closer to my NUS friends, and even went to one of their house for his birthday party. cool stuff! simply hanging out with them is fun!

had my hall's Dinner and Dance night, in which i was so horribly dressed that i couldn't believe myself. really not cut out for such events...

my relatives from australia came to visit, and it was great just meeting up with them over lunch and dinner. well, my cousin who is only 19 is working in KPMG (accountancy firm) and is earning much more than a graduate does here in singapore. sigh!~

received information regarding VA, its that time of the year again... sian! praying hard so that i don't go 182/189

well, made closer friends in hall and probably gonna stay next year too. might even run for jcrc, as crazy as it might seem. i'm just suited to slog my ass off i guess...

wishes for simplicity and plain pure happiness! =)


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