Tuesday, June 07, 2005


the rain must fall... ...

as the mood sets in, scribbling of pens and good words put in. shifts in paradigms as the earth makes its revolution. changes drastic, with intention of good nature i know not. they have been dear to me, though time spent together was short-lived. is life all so purposeful that living has become day to day? time did not speed up, the pace didn't seem to pick up, yet the sand flows fluidly...

definitely missing out on life as the world is so mystical. the universal wisdom cannot be fully achieved by meagre minds, therefore ears are bestowed for precious absorbing of ideas. even then such a level is rather unattainable. reflections of passion becomes increasingly apparent as the 'nature' of what life precedes clouds our mind. do omens knock or fate and destiny walk? the lost of presence to surroundings is depressing; a trap which can hardly be avoided.

to be aloof of life itself, is it a good choice? or shall we indulge in sensory pleasure? the future is always unknown, and the hearts of humans can't be at ease. such high order thinking, i confess not, as my intellectual capabilities fall short on limit. a dialogue with complex minds i look forward, but my hopes are at the tip of the hinge. so simplicity is what i look out for, for a puny mind of mine has boundaries.

am i deep, i'm afraid not. the wonders of life always makes a constant effort to amuse thyself. the guidance of the enlightened would be deeply appreciated. when the heart feels and its conjugate reasons, illogical becomes prevalent. the outcome of the mutiny wouldn't be easily decided as the strife continues to plague mankind. is the gift such that the compliment wouldn't compliment it?

rhetorics, stoic and irony. life goes on.


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