Tuesday, May 31, 2005

death gives meaning to life

darn did i screw myself!

"we should never be satisfied" is this good advice?
i had read and written about epicureanism, yet i chose the title to be my title. and i pondered about satisfaction, but how could it be part of death? satisfaction from relieving of pain? cannot link it in any way possible at that point of time. gg!

i would have said a no! i believe in not asking for more. life is considered a precious gift, treasure what you have and live with it. there's no harm in striving for more, but do not neglect the simple wonders in life. everything is beautiful in its own way =)

anyway, i guess i'm not cut out for gp. truly a dreamer... ...

Saturday, May 28, 2005


simpleton; tea, breeze, bike and a good friend.

the moon was orange, but turned bright yellow as it rose, then white as you tilt your line of vision 45 degrees vertically. ominous, yet the previous time such a phenomena occured, we took it as a warning and caution, now it was just beauty.

circumstances and situations. i cannot influence how one thinks, as there is no specific answer to life. each individual answers his own question to his liking, now the light has shone upon the road to Santiago. philosophical ideals would differ, perhaps logic would be too.

the breeze was fitting the atmosphere as i view the reflection upon the waves. a light off the mind after building the foundation for the no. 3s.

each person is thus unique.

Friday, May 27, 2005


totally symbolic! the true essence of stepping down, right foot, left foot, bow, it's over! kumar, it's alright, it sounded good to most of them.

silence... ...
afew seconds later, absolute euphoria! the goal sent the crowd jumping, followed by chants of sweet victory.

the journey right "home" was a straight path yea, halim?

choir concert was fantastic, kudos to the choir members. AV crew rocks too! epitome of behind the scenes work, and i actually caught a glimpse of mr azhar lepaking. way cooL!~

the trainride home thereafter was totally cool too. =)

Monday, May 23, 2005


why do we indulge in sensory pleasure?? somehow or rather, it seems that emotions matters at the end. what has happened to logic or even stoicism? with joy comes sorrow, why then do we live? to live life to the fullest, does that mean that we have to achieve happiness? by observation of patterns, logic does not play a part in the affairs of the heart. logic has no say when a person passes away. this was the topic of utmost concern for the decision. conclusion: do not rob the efforts of others.

sadly, it is only now that i realise that i'm the only one thinking about such stuff; a realization that there is no need for others to dig philosophy. whatever ideals or perceptions i've obtained can only be my choice, and i have no power over other people's minds. however, it was confusing when logic was defined as the common and definite truth which is apparent. that is when illogical pops in.

the moon was outstretched and basking itself to the world. as i stood beside my dear friend and fellow scout, xun yong, with the scott, natural sweetness exuded from the heart. such is the simple mystics of the world, taken for granted and not apparent to people. =) or i do hope not, because i don't deem what's best for them. yup

Saturday, May 21, 2005

against the mirror

a miscalculation; sheer blindness on my part. then it seemed like it was all to well constructed. more than one week of pure thinking: pricking of conscience. however, the sequence of events which followed proved otherwise...
first was when i was walking back up to the hall, as i approached the staircase beside the photocopy room, i made it just in time before the uncle closed the shutter. next, the moon slowly became brighter as the clouds unravelled the light. thirdly, the confrontations with different members proved me unwise. to think that i've covered all possible perceptions was a total fallacy. last but most importantly, this very night at the hall of damai sec, Squirrel shared his yarn. thank you so much Zhafri for your reminder! it was ostensibly coincidental, as if the world had conspired to sink in the message to me, yet i was misguided by turning away from omens which were apparent before.
back i was, at the keyboard, still undecided. however, thanks to scouting, it has shone the light of my path. i'm back on track, and hope that people won't despise me for my stupidity. thanks to those who did care, i almost lost ya guys completely before my senses came knocking at me.

Please don't blow this light of mine, i'm gonna let it shine.
Please don't blow this light of mine, i'm gonna let it shine.
Please don't blow this light of mine, i'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, all the time.

*cherish* and *treasure*

Sunday, May 08, 2005

the best of us

yesterday, in an instant, melodic switched to bass, followed by 2 1/2 hrs of pure crap and enjoyment in that tiny squeezy room. that was fulfilling, with countless flashbacks there and then. a sneak preview of just a line from our song, "we never grew out of this feeling that we won't give up"

mjc track and field meet 2005: lepaked. but good job to all the house comm who made the event successful.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

student of philosophy

the scenario: conference room

it was like a divine teaching in there, a heavenly gift to present the reality of both arguements; it was as if plato vs aristotle. pure reason was on their side, and senses ours. we were to them just like aristotle was a diciple of plato. interestingly, we stood on opposite grounds as our greek ancestors did. i accepted their logic, but realised sensitivity was essential.

as i revisited the good old bedok jetty alone on rayner's scott, the cool breeze lightened the atmosphere. it was totally cool! yup. once a believer in facts, now the reason whereby emotions inexorably come from within appalled me. contrasted, laid back and cogitate, and the sand in the hourglass flowed smoother than ago.
yet, when the beauty of nature was pacifying me under her cradle, there was another affairs of the heart which attempted to delude my senses.

still browsing: sophie's world
in the realms of good hands as a student of philosophy.

Monday, May 02, 2005


it was first timers at fish & co. at parkway, but hell was it good. oxymoron literally. heh.
dining with good ol' friends anywhere would have resulted in similar satisfaction.
perhaps this is what a fulfilling life is about? yet, there's still much more to learn, seek, uphold.

seemingly precocious, but i'm still young, and that's kindly put. right now, it's just universal knowledge which i lack and thus, am pursuing after. "eternal" truth, beauty, and happiness. possible?

Sunday, May 01, 2005


Gold for GEM. power story, you guys deserved it!

the clouds are always nice; it is not a pathetic fallacy. this past week during gp rekindled my temporary amnesia of philosophy. if only i could proceed to bedok jetty and enjoy the sea, clouds and pure logic. yes, after i complete my homework.

JAMMED for the 1st time in my life yesterday! wah damn cool lah! the crappiness from all walks of secondary school life, MMM comm rocks! 5 people, 1 semblance: testosterones lepaking. the only guys in council eating prata: sheer bliss.

there was abit of information overload just yesternight moments ago, but thankfully its presence continues bestowing a reality check.