Monday, April 25, 2005

one down

i think it's just me... one council nominee standing, and finally there were none.

in the bus ride which seems like forever, eng wig and i reminisced about the past. damn cool! it's my pleasure knowing the montfortians, an uber fun bunch. it concluded with a win, but we still can continue playing for leisure. finally, one cca down, one more to go. it's been a hell of a joy ride and experience; thanks mr tan and all squashers. =)

Just a tickling note if you guys haven't notice:
my ccas in my entire life were Swimming (pri sch), Scouts and Softball (sec sch), Students' council and Squash (jc).
I am such an *SS... heheh =)

Sunday, April 24, 2005


3 council nominees, attached to me. 1 had to go, and then there were 2. 2 council nominees, attached to me. 1 more needed to leave, and then there was 1. all the best to the one standing strong. lucky!

ms lim commented that i made an improvement for the recent chem test, but in fact i didn't study at all. lucky!

on thurs night, in my state of semi consciousness, the bus chiong past the red light at eastpoint. nobody got hurt, shocking but lucky!

fri night, it was a terrible dash to his house with xun and eugene. chionging out of swensens, we went to katong and boarded the first bus. lucky! then, the meeting up of good old friends exuded a warm feeling. furthermore, coupled with the concoction of divine apple strudel and heavenly wild berry swensens ice cream, meals are exquisite for friends to enjoy each other's company. lucky! thanks eugene especially for that ride, xun for purchasing the stuff, zzy for being the organiser, and andy, darren, glenn, and ralph for your presence. did i mention ralph? you guys rock! =)

on top of that, i finished wolf's rain the following day. oh ra-ku-en (paradise)!

such is the feeling of pure bliss... =)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


a little pun on the title, but since when was my titles meaningless? =)

mechanics is tough, but i'm determined to overcome the forces of this barrier and resolve them.

the most exciting match of the year: ACJC VS RJC. being the referee for this gruelling matchup was an albatross.

and kumar, yes, i totally agree. =)

lastly, thanks ngiam, eng and weihong for ALLlllll the crap and nonsense which unastonishingly provided entertainment during the long bus ride. let's keep it condifential? heheh =)

Sunday, April 17, 2005

plunging in

it's a whole new world..........
welcome to sophie's world and greed island: the leisures present currently
can those who have OVA 1 and 2 and 3 of HunterXHunter kindly send me a message? i wanna borrow it. Thanks! =)

a flash of the eye and it's been one week. the routine of study council squash home, study council squash home isn't appealing. muscles strained, minds stretched, all for the upcoming match: ACJC. loL!~ =)

talk about having a life... yea! anyway, thanks madam for that splendid treat! truly appreciated =)

studies genuinely rock *snigger*(no sarcastic intent, but we know the reason behind it) it was no total surprise when i pulled down the national average due to my results of not putting enough effort; 3. screw, i'll just get my 3 As and beat 'em all.

Saturday, April 09, 2005


next addiction: Hunter X Hunter

Friday, April 08, 2005

settling down

it was still shining brightly in the menacing rain, a ray of hope perhaps? outstanding in the storm; however, a pity i failed to witness the parabola of a magnificent myriad of colours.

things seem to be settling down, the adrenaline result and test of character somehow soothed my nerves, smothering signs of weaknesses. with a tough fight towards victory and the fervent of fulfilling my daily chores, all i need to do is excel for the next big thing: mid-years...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

mental strength

it's all in the mind... thanks weihong, eng and all squashers

the sky is overcast

devoid of emotions; screw, i got my S paper back. i fought darn hard for it...
principles over people; oblivious to surroundings filled with evolutions. such should be the way of life!
it's always a joy to see the clear, blue clouds....


basically, it's something i don't command. not that i wish for, nonetheless undeserving. i really don't care... you all do, that's the difference.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

fighting dreamers

now i know the reason of my existence: to have others not know of my existence while silently proving my existence but not wanting that existence. how about that for a contradictory statement! =)

thanks kumar all the while for promoting my existence. but now, i've lost it...

perhaps i am not concerned on how people perceive me to be, yet by all due respect i'm fading, falling behind the scenes. i hope to be returning to the stuck who just do things needed to be done. i hate it when i see and know people are doing things when i didn't do a single shit at all. all the things kumar tried to inject to me, thanks, but i think i need to purge everything. i want to regain my principles; i need to regain the strong character i once had, not the WEAK stuck he is now. he is thoroughly detestable, in the eyes of everyone else.

3rd April 2005: On my honour,
I promise to do my best,
my duty to God,
and to the Republic of Singapore.
To help other people,
and to keep the scout law.

Saturday, April 02, 2005


simple and carefree. being able to watch the beautiful clouds lying down. =) fantastic!