Friday, August 17, 2007


sitting there, cooling down, we just chatted for hours. a hair-raising experience: how'd we missed the past! nobody understands it as well as we do, the stuff that we've gone through. it has made us close, and now we have to continue to work hard. train hard for the springtime of youth. for hardwork! =)

1 good friend is enough for now... to the others: i'm waiting for you guys...

Monday, August 13, 2007


coming back from a tight wardroom dinner, seeing them once again after 2months is pleasantly joyful. great laughs, seeing everyone do well, just makes me smile. they taught me one great lesson, to give generously and bring smiles to others, which is exactly my name. cheers to victory! =)

Saturday, August 11, 2007


supported NUS Rag day with the passing on my bike. i can never feel the same passion they have towards the event. sigh!~

dinner at ralph's was magnificent. American Beauty, the movie which followed was just the icing on the cake. abstract; beautiful. and so i cycled home with 8 series of Fables. hang in there ralph, you'd do fine! =)

Friday, August 10, 2007

i'm back

settling back into life here, the numerous events which happened proves my point in staying in Singapore to study. =) ok, forget the reports granted that it was mandatory and expected... first was eusoff hall orientation; not exactly the best there is, but i've made some good friends from it. learnt how to bid and successfully got all the modules i wanted =) next, catching up with old friends... dinner with af, some councillors, the slackers and the geniuses were nice. =) many points of discussion, genuine laughters and good food, yes, good food. =)

received a surprise call from XO and Victory's Wardroom! yay! it was great to hear from them, protecting our seas while the nation celebrates. these guys will stay close to my heart forever =) also, my navy friends who were in the parade got AIR TIME! omg! yingru was so smart looking lah, and prominent too, being the flag bearer just behind the parade commander. good job bro!

traumatising experience during Flag Day:
"hi sir, would you like to make a donation please?"
"boy, do you know who is TT Durai and NKF? Did you read the news about them?"
"yes sir,but this is different, these are organised charities who would really benefit from your donations"
"rubbish! they're all the same"
"no sir, you must understand that it's two separate issues altogether"
"F**K you" (comboed with a storm bolt which left me stunned for 3 seconds, omg wtf!?!)

caring for friends and their interesting stories, more secrets!!! =) awkward circumstance, and i have to play the bad guy for his own good, although his mind seems decided. first, we 3 must talk to his parents and we'll see from there. so this is what true friendship is eh? =)

cycling; the ultimate joy and useful sport. successfully tested the route to nus, and enjoyed the Best Place twice already in the short period that i've been back, once in the afternoon and once at night. how serene and tranquil it still is, with the coolest of breeze making the entire body rejuvenated.

as for myself, i now question my values. its been 8 years, yet i still falter. i was trying to help but was dragged into it unknowingly. it's dangerous, and i can't afford mistakes because the scholarship is at stake. find the inner peace. the code.

to end on a lighter note, it is great to see my match making prowess which saw both of my best friends finally being together and going strong. cheers!