Friday, May 05, 2006


time, cuts the remaining amount of person's life, it doesn't stop for anything. the only equality that all humans are likely to receive is death, after which their destination is probably the same too - nothingness.

once in a while, while you reflect at the truth of human life, it gets you back in track. these undeniable facts surprisingly keep me going, allowing the resonating cognizance to be amplified and stand high with pride. interesting how one has a general perception on a thing, yet when the situation stresses, he falters and, sadly, does otherwise. this flaw is imminent in myself, and i feel thoroughly disgusted at myself thereafter for not being steadfast.

now torn between the world of choices, i stand wobbly on the fence. in ocs, we are given many a chance to train in decision making but now i am stuck. how ironic! it would be fun to think of taking a wild stab in the dark by applying for a degree in philosophy. heh

results are out and i seriously find it hilarious, how the media talks down the chances of those protecting the stronghold yet it was an easy win. how casually people say they would support the opposition, yet their actions shown proves otherwise. the denial of the common and the succumbing of pressure or fear constitutes the majority of modern men; the atrocities obvious yet conveniently displaced. well, politics just ain't my cup of tea, so i'd rather look at the voters rather than those being voted. heh

the seemingly unseemingly stuff goes unnoticed. how nice! =)