Monday, January 02, 2006

visage of images unmasked

tues, 3rd jan 2006, 3:04 am

for the past 2 weeks, it has been dominated by lanning. dai gu ma went back to france, went swimming with glenn and at dar's house, treated jonathan teo lunch, eat out with family, watched narnia, jammed with kumar and sufi, and visited dar, zzy, hongwei and marcus houses. something extra to mention would be on christmas, where biking gang had a party in the afternoon, thereafter gathered at zzy's house and chilled overnight. thanks alot ToAdZ! also, thanks to daniel teo, ryan, paulina, rayner, marcus, adeline, valerie, siewluang, liping for wishing a merry christmas, thanks to kha, jasmine and eunice for your pretty cards and also ryan and yuezhuang for your e-cards. thanks rayner, simone, amos and ryan for your presents =) alright, that was quite a rush =)

well, chiong-ed afew animes/movies: I's, Ah! My Goddess, AIR, The Island, FMA movie and narnia too. i'll be waiting for the completion of yakitate and bleach. heh.. so much have happened during the past month, not to mention the past 2 years, nor my entire life. i wouldn't call 18 old, but young enough to still be naive yet legally wise enough to make decisions. the sequence of events, never once stopping to catch a breath, has twisted and turned me to the present day stuck. and yes, it's THAT time of the year again; reflections.

i wouldn't exactly call the stuck typing this now stuck, simply because he is different. changed. completely. or well, at least not in the ideal manner that stuck had hoped himself to be. to be honest, i don't really like the stuck of today. ouch, yes, that homered. but it's not as if that i can turn back time or something magical, so the mind has to compel and combat with the trait. the past 2 years has been the cliche roller coaster ride, but all were part and parcel for the living experience; good times, bad times, ultra busy times, slacking times, and the average days. friendships and accquaintances were abundant, activities and responsibilites too. funny how i practically killed myself in j1, yet slacked through j2. haha!

well, the flowery aspect of my love life did not flourish at all, nor did my financial status. living standards were rather high, and time was just a precious blink of the eye. the regrets, the happiness, the desire, the anger, all which compressed only to resurrect an intolerable streak, dating back from day 1 '04. decisions made in the forked roads permutates, giving life it's natural bend; the path of all work and no play certainly made stuck a dull boy. but yes, this is reality, the morals, ethics, values, principles conflict and the mind goes to knees before the body. to think before one acts was a personal favourite, and that too was gone, sadly. ideals and goals shatter for what seemed to be unreachable, and the displeasing act of selfishness kicks in after reality shows teamwork otherwise. independence grew with distrust, only to cast stuck inside his own hell, locked up and key thrown away. the ever present struggles proved futile till this very day, and an all-time high on that very day, the one on closure. reluctant as the mind was, the facade held through for the sake of others and for completion loyalty. the digust was entirely internal, onthe account of being able to bring forth myself to a state of oblivion. subconciousness is a powerful tool, greatly reflecting oneself even better than the mirror.

resolution taken from the typical excuse of the new year, only to prevent oneself from improving there and then. but one submits to the call of tradition, and procrastinates to this day to change. so here i bare my naked body, answering to nobody but my conscience. free from the strings of life, i erase the deceit and illusion of all images in the need to start afresh. being true and abiding the moral codes set by stuck, i hereby unplug the gates within and forming new barriers taking myself to a new level. be it from scratch, i will now follow the single clay track that lies ahead. for the green days will shape and mould, so strong shall stuck stands. alas, the revolution of the world begins! i am glad.